"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Amarula/I don't know my sexual literature

Still trying to sort out the last two days, they've been an absolute blur and I'm right knackered. I shall start at the beginning.
Caught the bus to White Rock after work. It took me almost 90 minutes to get there, but that was fine since I was already tired so I was able to nod off a bit. Arrived at Coco's place to find her getting ready to put on a spread like nothing I've ever seen before. This woman is incredible. She is a brilliant cook, a witty and sophisticated hostess, and an all around joy just to know. She had crudite ready to go (pronounced "crew-da-tay", you insolent philistines).
In short order Coco's sister and nieces arrived (identical twins), along with Po and Squishy. Oh, and dessert. These twins were a riot. Oh, I guess I should mention that it was a pajama party which is why, at random people, you will see people in their pajamas. Po thought I was already wearing my pajamas cause I looked like a slob. But back to these twins. When they weren't discussing Einstein's theory of relativity and debating about Iran and Israel, they were playing with stuffed animals. Natch. I'm not the most socially adept creature (okay, let's all just admit that I'm totally socially retarded), but these girls made attempts to engage me in conversation. They were like, "What do you think of Ehud Olmert stepping down?" and I thought about it for a bit and replied, "Pass me my wine, shorty".
Then we ate. After the crudite Coco had made prawns wrapped in prosciutto, followed by salmon sandwiches with herbed mayonnaise and roast beef sandwiches with creamed horseradish. I wanted to get to the roast beef sandwiches, but was stuffed after the salmon sandwich. So, so, so damn good. Then we had homemade dessert, which somehow I got roped into dishing up which was quite a debacle because I'm a moron. But we all knew that. Shortly after Coco's sister and her daughters left and we pulled out the game Sexual Pursuit. Yep. I thought it would be kind of easy, with questions like, "Where do babies come from?" but, er, it was exceedingly difficult and made references to a lot of people that I have never heard of that are important philosophically and literature-wise. I would have felt more guilty about my lack of knowledge except that Coco had given me some Amarula, which is now one of my favourite things in the world. Man, some of those questions were hard. I had the least cock-rings when the game ended, and I was pitied extraordinarily. You know, like most Friday nights that I have...
Ah. As usual, it was really fantastic to hang out with such fun, engaging and interesting people. I had been looking forward to this since Coco announced it, and it was one of the most fun nights that I have had in recent memory. I guess I sound like I'm gushing, but it was just that fun. I probably didn't adequately express my gratitude (or maybe I did, the end bit was kind of hazy... I remember thinking that I should go hug people that had already crawled into bed, but I'm not sure if I actually made good on that or not).
Fack. I am so lucky to have such amazing friends. They are so much fun and I can't think of a better group of friends that I'd like to whittle away my time with. They have interesting stories, they're open-minded, non-judgemental, funny, interesting, smart, kind, considerate, honest, and they let me go off on tangents about running and... running.
Yep, absolutely the best night I have had for a long, long time.

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