"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Monday, August 18, 2008


I'm having a really hard time sitting still. I want to move. I want to be out of here doing other things that are different and exciting and meaningful. I alternate between staring off into space and forgetting what in the hell I was just doing. Why am I in the kitchen? What was I needing to do in the kitchen? I interrupted myself three times while putting away laundry. Apparently I really needed to reconcile my bank account, freshen up the flower arrangement and eat an apple.
Then, sometimes, things are very beautiful and peaceful. I saw my bedroom like I had never seen it before. It was so calm and serene and quiet and welcoming. So I fell asleep at 6pm.
This is insane, putting off grieving until fucking Thursday. At that point it will be over two weeks since my dad died. It's not normal. I just need to get through two days of work with some appearance of normalcy.
I want to move to Lasqueti and just... live there. I want to cut the lawn and re-roof the house and split firewood and reno the interior and plant a vegetable garden. One of the steps on the front staircase is loose and needs to be fixed. The house needs to be painted. I could learn carpentry and re-do the stairs by the side of the house. I'm not so bold as to pretend to be able to operate the backhoe. I probably wouldn't ride the Honda step-through, but I will ride his bicycle. The cats would be happy that I was there. There a lot of movies to watch.
Should I do it? What's important? Two months ago I had a conversation with my parents about moving up there to try and write a book.
I could do it. I can't stand the thought of the house being idle this soon. It's like abandoning my father or something. I regret not taking more interest in learning how everything works up there. I know that, at some point, my dad gave up showing me how to run things because I didn't show enough enthusiasm and because I only came up once a year. Christ, I thought I had a lot more years to learn how everything worked. I can do it though. I've been able to do everything I've ever set out to do.
I don't know what I'm doing. I wish I had more money and time and then I could go up there and make my peace with everything and take the time to make Lasqueti as beautiful as it could be. I wish someone could go up there with me for a year to set everything straight, cause I don't think I can do it all alone.
My mom and I went through some of my dad's mementos today and I came away with some things, but it was kind of empty. My dad didn't live in South Surrey, he lived at Lasqueti. There are a million things there that he used daily that are so much more meaningful. His clothes in Surrey don't really smell like him.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you should totally do it. What a great adventure that would be. Maybe when the dust settles you'll be able to find a way. I would come and visit you once in a while and help you putter.

Mama Bear said...

This is the Duder I know and love. A women with tenacity, drive and spirit. I think you should do it. Take a leave of absence, or quit - don't you hate your job? Sublet your condo - you could totally pull it off. Just do it. It sounds like a wondrously healing and life altering experience. It would probably change your life, let alone your perspective. And you know M and I would be there every chance we could. He's pretty handy, and I can.....um....cook?

Anonymous said...

I think you should. You know your brother would be there too to help. You might like it, you might not, but you don't know unless you just jump in with both feet and do it. you know you wouldn't regret it.

Duder said...

Wow, thanks for the encouragement everyone! I would like to do it. We'll see how quickly old Duder gets the hang of peltin wheels, inverters, solar panels, isolation, electric golf carts and humping freight when I head up there on Thursday.