"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A marathon (day)

Left my place at noon. Met up with L at 1pm in Kerrisdale and we had a really great chat. I am so fortunate to have come across such amazing, intuitive and interesting people as L in my travels. I always come away from our coffees invigorated and thinking outside the box.
Wandered around Kerrisdale a bit. Wasn't too keen on all the beeping. I always knew that 41st Avenue was a gong show, but man, people laying on the horn at 2.30 on a sunny Saturday afternoon? Who needs it?
Hopped back in my car and headed out to UBC to see my nana and her husband. It was a great visit. I am so fortunate to have a grandmother who is self-sufficient, witty, and able-bodied. Her husband, Ed, is 90 (!!) and is in fantastic shape. He looks ten years younger. They have such a great life together. They invited me for dinner to the Mexican restaurant that they go to every Saturday night, but I had to pass as I was meeting up with C. I love the stories my nana and Ed have and I am so happy that they found each other in their august years and already have so many wonderful memories together.
Back into the car to Arbutus Walk to meet up with C after his 26 kilometre run. C is an attractive guy, but I must say he looked a little peaked today. He didn't have a good race and wasn't too thrilled with his time, but it was great that he pushed through to finish it. He was very zen-like and positive about the whole thing; viewing it as a learning experience and a gauge against which to compare subsequent runs. Very cool. I was really happy to see him as it had been many weeks, and I know how hard it can be to drag one's ass off the couch after a race of any magnitude. I have never seen someone eat a pulled-pork sandwich as fast as C did.
Back home to North Van to see Michael and we watched two episodes of Frasier that we hadn't seen before (please keep in mind that I haven't had cable for over a year). I love Frasier. I laughed out loud. I ate Fig Newtons. I got many foot rubs and a neck and shoulder massage. Love the rubbing. Michael always says, "How much rubbing can you take?" like there is a limit that I might someday reach. Not. Bloody. Likely.
Now I am home. With sex hair. Drinking the best Tempranillo - Penascal? The bottle is too far away and I'm too lazy to get up and check.
Michael's on call so he's thinking 21 miles might be too long a run in case he gets a call while we're out so I was like, oh, twist my rubber arm, maybe we can do an abbreviated three bridges which is only about 17 miles.
I am the laziest runner I know.
Holy crap. I am praying to the running gods that Michael makes the Boston cut off in a month, cause if he doesn't it means that I have to re-qualify as well and, um, I really don't want to cause it's hard. And I like Tempranillo. And not running.
To sum up? Super great day. I am surrounded by such phenomenal people.
How did this happen?

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