"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This has gotta stop

Been in the throes of a panic attack since 2am.
I feel like I can't get it together. I know this is mostly to do with a lack of sleep and I'll feel better whenever it is that I get some, but in the interim I'm a mess.
My life isn't what I wanted it to be right now. Some of this is my fault, some of it is uncontrollable.
I'm not being the person that I know I can be.
I think the next chapter of my life is starting (it has to: something has to change) so I'll be closing down this blog shortly.


Anonymous said...

Been there. My panic attacks were caused by a skipped heartbeat brought on by stress. I wasn't aware of the skipped beat until they got more frequent. Sleep deprivation was one of the triggers.

Please don't stop blogging; your blog is one of my faves. Thank you.

Igopogo (whose computer hard drive just crashed and burned, so am using my wife's PC)

Duder said...

Thanks, Igopogo. It's definitely a mixture of stress/anxiety and grief. The attacks are just overwhelming and I can't get a handle on them.

I will continue with a blog when I've my life sorted out a bit more. Right now it's in shambles, though I've done a good job to date convincing myself otherwise.

Overboard said...

Don't close the blog down.Just leave it till you feel better. I feel just like you now, actually, despite all the bravado on my blog.
Can I come and visit next year when I am free?
To drink wine. No running, please.

Big D said...

Hey Duder,
Hang in there, you have been through an lot lately. It is bound to take it's toll on you. And, most importantly, try to get more sleep. I am so much more sensitive to that now. I was a mess on Monday. Jumped from being all optimistic one day to wanting to pack up my life and resort to plan B the next day. (however plan B has expired so I'm screwed). Have to make the most of plan A. Regarding change: When doing what you do hurts enough, you will change it. Sometimes your finger has to burn a bit before you pull it from the fire. Or some other stupid metaphore. Love ya,

Duder said...

Thanks, Overboard. You are absolutely welcome to visit me next year (gives me time to shed my awful fork-biting habits)!

Duder said...

Hey Big D. That's one helluva metaphor. You should write for Hallmark. ;)
Sleep is important. Like having silky smooth hair. Wait, that doesn't sound right...
Love you too!

Overboard said...

You're a forkbiter huh!
p.s I'm feeling better today. I guess we both had lows yesterday.
Up down, up down, up down.

Duder said...

Up and down, indeed. Shall I be so naughtical as to say that things ebb and flow?
I'm feeling better today as well, and I'm glad you are too. :)