"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Easy day, my ass

I was up at 6:40 this morning because I'm an idiot. Oh, and before the buzzer went off? I was actually dreaming about running and about people in my running clinic. Ridiculous. I was pretty excited because we only had to run 22 or 23k this morning. What I didn't know was that nothing comes easy and that we were going to run up far enough to get into the snow again. So yes, the run was short, but it was by no means easy.
And yet it was fun. Getting to know the guys in my group (I was the token girl today) and they're all really friendly and positive. We ran past a speed trap, the kind that has a billboard which tells you how fast you're going. We cheered as it said 11 kilometres an hour, and cheered again when we got it up to 12, and one more cheer as we hit 13 kilometres an hour. I'm sure that, at 9.30 this morning, the residents of that neighbourhood were wondering what all the cheering was about.
Then coffee afterwards at a really nice JJ Bean (the joint had a fireplace!) with a couple of other runners. I love running. I love my running clinic. I love hanging out after the run and shooting the shit on another stellar day on the north shore after running a bit more than a half marathon knowing that some people are just getting up (I'm not knocking it: I slept until 11 yesterday). It just feels good, the sun beating on my face, the pounding of runners on the pavement, the encouragement of my group mates, and the quiet giddiness that comes during a beautiful run when everyone is feeling good and strong, and the high fives when the run is over.
I definitely find that there is a correlation between my mental health and the amount of exercise I get a week. I only got three work outs in this week and I've been spending way too much time in my head, dwelling on negative things. Running. Running is happy making.
And soon I get to head off to dinner with my folks in South Surrey with Michael. My bro is coming too, so it'll be a real shindig, with much yelling and animated discussion. I will probably start nodding off at about 7pm...

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