"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Things at which I am inept/adept

Right. I do not even want to talk about the issue I am currently having with uncorking wine bottles. From here on in? Yeah, I'm just going to smash them on my counter and drink straight from the jagged bottle. I don't even know. I managed to get red wine on my face and somehow forced the cork into the bottle while using (what I have been told is) an expensive wine uncorker. Decorker. Opener.
There are things that I can do well. I'm a pretty decent kayaker. I can run quite fast. I can.... um... look, there are other things, I just can't think of them right now. Oh wait - debating with CTV executives, vacuuming pools, getting sunstroke, dissing management on speakerphone, supervising the installation of shelving - I'm also good at those things, which totally come up on a day to day basis. Opening a bottle of wine? Yeah. Like Skyhammer says, there's got to be a way we can make money from this. If I see footage of this shite on YouTube, I swear to god heads will roll.
But moving on (after wiping Jackson Triggs from my face), the third book club meeting at my place was, in my humble opinion, a success. The book. The book. Well, books are literature and literature is art and we all see different things when we look at a painting or a building or a sculpture, and we all take different things away from books we read. I enjoy reading new books and being introduced to different genres, and I also think that debating books helps one to understand them further.
It goes without saying that the highlight of the night was Po's debut of her new book (Po: send me a link and I'll post it here). I am so tremendously excited that it's been published and that I know someone that has published two books, in addtion to being an extremely talented artist. Accounting is fun too.
At one point during the evening I felt that it was Friday. I was having so much fun that I wanted it to continue until midnight, but alas we could not. The company was fantastic, the conversation was brilliant (I really enjoyed rolling up my sleeves to debate monogamy with Skyhammer and C) and I think everyone had a good time at that this book club will continue to be a success. Fun. I had fun. Except for my current situation with corks. Jesus. I like the way people look at me as though I am a retarded child. I get that look a lot.
So the photo I've got up here was supposed to showcase the empty wine bottles on the bar behind me, but I failed to do that and ended up with more of a glamour shot of my hair, which is okay because my hair is sweet.
What else, what else. People didn't eat enough of the dessert so now I'm stuck with it. I had fun. Did I mention I had fun? I gave hugs to five people. Me! Hugging! I'm happy. Happy that Po published a book. Happy that the cohabitation betwixt N and Skyhammer seems to be going well. Happy to get to meet another member of the bookclub, and to get to know another member a little better. It's so invigorating to be around such diverse and dynamic people. What a turn on!
Huh. Probably gonna be a little hungover for tomorrow's clinic. And full of caramel cupcakes. It's all good. I mean, check out my hair. I think another wine tasting is in order. Yes? Yes. I'll bring something with a screwcap.

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