"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Monday, February 11, 2008

What do you mean we can't drink wine?

Allow me to recap my weekend. Had a fantastic time out with some members of our running group. I really enjoyed their company and their stories and they were all very friendly, intelligent, interesting and articulate people. And all of them (but one) run faster than me. Michael and I were cajoled into admitting that we are an "item". It's weird. When people ask how long we've been together am I supposed to say seven years or six weeks? Michael had three beers and I believe he was nursing a mild hangover when we got up on Saturday morning. I napped on the ferry.
JupiterGirl, A and M picked me up in Nanaimo. They tried to justify the long drive from Victoria to Nanaimo with a stop off at Echo Valley Wineries in Duncan on the way back. We arrived at the allotted time (as it is the off season you have to make an appointment for a tasting) and... no one was there. We rang the proffered bell many times, and then started wandering aimlessly about. A came up with a brilliant idea to go to a cider making place and it worked perfectly because they also had a bistro and since we were all starving we had a bite to eat. Talked about JupiterGirl and M's upcoming wedding. Holy shit! I can't believe they've only been together a year, but it's true: they met around the same time that Typewriter and I started our abortive and endlessly redundant relationship. JupiterGirl and M are in sync and it's like they've been together forever. I am so happy for them and I think they will have a fantastic life together. Then we tasted some cider, bought some cider, wandered around and headed for home.
I was a bit shagged out from Friday night, but didn't want to be a party pooper so I put on a good show to make it appear that I was up for a night on the town. Then JupiterGirl suggested picking up some movies, getting some take away and staying in. I almost wept with joy.
We rented a couple of movies. I really recommend "Snowcake": it was excellent. A and I picked out "The Interview" with Steve Buscemi and whatever the blond chick's name was that was dating Jude Law. Who the fuck cares. The movie was so bad that I couldn't believe that it hadn't been made that way on purpose. And then I thought that I was missing something, and that, perhaps, something magnificent would happen in the movie to help me to understand why I wasn't supposed to shoot the television. I told M and JupiterGirl that I wouldn't be offended if they wanted to turn it off. It was so bad. They didn't respond but to look at me with a mixture of anger and pity. This movie was so wretched that I recommend that you watch it, and then please send me an email and let me know what you thought. No, wait: don't. I'm quite sure that everyone has something better to do during any particular 86 minute spate than is wont to be wasted on such an egocentric, trite piece of self-aggrandizing shit.
Went to bed. Woke up and had a terrific breakfast at the Blue Fox whereby I consumed about 2,000 in forty-five minutes, whilst being fully aware that at that time all the people in my running clinic were about 10-12k into their 21k run. I don't know why these people are faster and fitter than I, I really don't.
Caught the noon ferry. Cruised into Kerrisdale where Michael was picking me up and we went for dinner with another couple that we hadn't been out with socially in years.
Had the day off work today. Feeling a little under the weather so I didn't make up the long run like I had planned, but I did buy 144 Extra Strength Ibuprofen. Was supposed to meet Big D for dinner tonight, but had to ask for a rain cheque.
Now it is past my bedtime, so I shall go. It was a brilliant weekend. I have such amazing friends. I have such a great time with them and I'm sometimes left wondering what it is that these fantastic and fascinating people see in me (besides my ability to eat a lot and my overall confusion as to how to operate a self-inflating air mattress).

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