"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The here and now (that was then)

I was stricken with fear, as I sat behind a loud, loquacious young lady yammering away about getting hammered while ratcheting up my iPod shuffle in the vain hopes of drowning her out, that I am that inane. I don't want to be inane. Are my ramblings hollow and vacuous? Yeah. I'm a hollow and vacuous person.
Whew. Glad that actualization is out of the way.
There was a father taking pictures of his son on the seabus on the way over. I found it strangely endearing. A lot of people (most people?) are full of shit, and it was refreshing to see a father so intently enjoying an afternoon out with his son and recording the whole thing for posterity. Though I did feel a twinge of irritation when, after snapping a picture of his son using a cell phone, his son grabbed the phone from him to see how cute he looked. I thought, how narcissistic. And then I thought, I have a whole blog dedicated to myself, my thoughts, my actions and I don't think it gets much more narcissistic than that.
Met up for lunch with Big D and we had some pretty serious conversations. Like, really serious. There are things that I had always been sure of throughout my adult life, which I have started to call into question. And, like picking at some thread on a sweater, the whole damn thing is starting to unravel.
I'm not sure about monogamy. I'm not sure that people are meant to be together for a lifetime (though I think the concept is a nice, idealistic, romantic one). I think that if you are enjoying spending time with someone, you should do that until it's no longer enjoyable. I know you tune into my blog for my amazing and witty insights.
The other thing I'm not one hundred percent sure about right now is reality. So, that's a bit of a mind fuck. Two people (or twenty, or twenty thousand) might go through the same experience but they will all feel differently about it, remember it differently, describe it differently. Which is correct? Your version is correct to you, so thereby you have your own reality. We all walk around in our own little realities. I mean, the exact same experience can happen to me two days in a row, but I won't necessarily feel the same way about it each time given where my headspace is that day. So then our own little realities have to do with where we are, how we feel, what we're reacting to, as well as what we want our current reality to be. It gives me a bit of a headache.
I'm stagnating.

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