"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, February 2, 2008

I love food. And wine. I might be drunk right now.

Alright. I think the wine tasting was a success, in that we got to try eight different wines and I wouldn't say that any of us were totally blotto. Welcome to your thirties! I mean, yeah, I'll have a head ache tomorrow, but at least I'll remember the conversations that we had and who I slept with. Me! I love me.
I shan't bore you with the details of my wine tasting but to say that I was fundamentally disappointed with the Sauvignon Blanc and my number two pick was a Chardonnay, which blew my mind. There may have been some techinical difficulties with the cork and the appartus used to removed said corks. It's possible that I broke a cork remover. What are they called? A... clampy thingy? Yeah, I broke it but good.
Drunk? No. Feeling good, feeling happy to have seen my friends? Yes. I am also happy that we had some pretty deep conversations on a number of topics. I love when that happens. You're all "I like puppies" and then someone turns the topic onto copyright law or monogamy.
I ate too much. I don't often eat scads of cheese, sausage (insert retarded joke here), chocolate, macaroons, nuts or more cheese. But it's good, and I'm steadily convinced that it's good for you.
Touched in on the relationship front. I think the general consensus is that N and Skyhammer are frickin' awesome together. I love them and want them to spend the rest of their lives together and to allow me to live in their basement. Po is doing well on the dating scene: she has TWO dates on Saturday and, as her hectic romantic schedule is weighing her down, she is opting to take a respite after Wednesday. Me? Well, we bandied my current situation about and ultimately everyone threw up... their hands and screamed, "What the fuck?". What the fuck indeed. I don't know. I don't know anything. I don't know if what I am doing is right or wrong or will lead to more problems or will lead to a happy ending, but I do know that currently, in this exact moment I am happy with what I have. It doesn't take much to make me happy, but what I need is very specific and heretofore I have been able to find it with only a couple of people. I don't know. I dunno. Do you like my inebriated blogging? Ultimately it's one big compromise, isn't it? So I choose the big things that I want and I resolve to let the rest slide. Do you want to be with the guy that brings you roses on Valentine's Day, or do you want to be with the guy that will fix your car when you don't know what the fuck is wrong with it? Roses are great, but I'd rather receive them on March 3rd for no apparent reason. And fuck the roses, I want to be able to drive my car, so if you can assist me in that, then you're the sexiest guy I know.
Hm. I realize I'm venting. Yes. It's been pointed out to me that perhaps I didn't give the dating arena much of a chance. This is quite likely true. Maybe I was always half committed to Michael throughout the whole process. And there's the age old adage about teaching old dogs new tricks (I'm not entirely certain who is the dog in this scenario), but is it not possible that sometimes you meet someone before you're entirely ready for them, before you are able to fully appreciate them, and that sometimes the whole paradigm shifts and old issues are now non-issues and you frequently come to the conclusion that no one else will understand you, love you and put up with you the way this person does? I'm not advocating settling, because I know my whole argument reeks of it, but it's really one's actions that determine their intent, not what they say or promise. I had great expectations of people over the last year; I was led to believe that things would be insurmountably fantastic and they weren't. I've had too much wine. What's my point?
My point is this: I'm not done trying.

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