"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Biggest dilemma EVER

I accidentally broke a pair of my eyeglasses the other day. And yeah, they were pretty cool. And they cost me about $400. I snapped the arm off. Whatever. I still have a couple of other pairs, but one of them I just use to watch t.v. because they were the first pair of glasses I ever got and I became considerably blinder (more blind?) as time progressed (thank you, post secondary education).
So, because I am now a full time employee (yes, I totally consider my 35 hour work week full time) and am entitled to benefits, I think I shall buy some glasses. There is a place quite close to work and they have scads of glasses. Lots of plastic frames. I know a lot of people are all about the wire frames, or even the glasses without frames entirely, but I'm going the opposite direction. I want plastic frames. I think I might like a thick arm to my eyeglass. And I think I might like red. Or possibly black frames, but then the inside of the frames are red, or possibly lime green. Yeah, don't question it. Enjoy it. I ran this idea by my robot-liberating co-worker who, from time to time, shows up with a brilliant something (ie. rad frames, cool shoes, etc) and I used the terms "substantial" and "Lisa Loeb" in my attempts to describe what I was going for. He nodded agreeably and seemed to get a little excited when I threw "red" out there. Huh. I'm gonna do it. My mom is going to hate the new glasses, which means that I am going to love them. Love it. Don't ask questions: do it.
So I guess there really wasn't a dilemma. I've got it all under control. I'm pretty excited. And guess what else? When my hair gets a little longer? Yeah, I'm putting it in a rather severe pony tail and I will wear a crisp white blouse under a dark grey sweater vest - with jeans. Sweet. Okay, I'm boring myself with talk of clothing. Here is something substantial: W. Somerset Maugham's "Cakes and Ale" is so far quite fantastic. Interesting reading about the classism that existed in our not so distant past, though I am not sure whether he is serious when the protaganist (flashing back to memories of his youth) recollects (with horror) how a tradesperson addressed him by his Christian name whilst passing on the street, or if we are supposed to give a bemused smile at this youthful folly.
Alright. This day is sailing along smoothly. Cannot wait to meet up with JupiterGirl and co. tonight. Why do I have a feeling that I may be abandoning my car in the South Granville area and cabbing it home...

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