"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Friday, August 31, 2007

Karma just really wanted me to have a good day

Yeah. I mean, the impromptu convo with a fellow transit rider, joking with the bus driver, a pleasant conversation with a guy that works for the IRS (still reeling from that one), topped off by a totally illuminating and deep conversation over Indian food with Big D.
It was weird because a series of events transpired to keep us apart. I was so bagged when I got home that I considered calling our dinner off. Instead I went for a run (I am HARDCORE, baby). Then he was having car problems so we met a bit later. Then traffic came to an utter and dead stop on the Granville bridge while the cyclists that do their thang... well, did their thang. At least they were clothed this time. Something about naked men on bikes makes me shudder.
But eventually we arrived at the restaurant and just started laying all of our proverbial cards on the table. It appears that we are both hitting some touchstones at the same point in our lives and, though we knew we had a lot in common, it turns out that we really have a lot in common. Like I would start to explain something and he would just get this knowing look and I wouldn't need to finish it. So that was really cool. It's always great when people get you. I think he and I have a come a long way, have dealt with a lot of shit, and though we both realize that we have some work to do we also understand that we're pretty great people. And we're ready to share our greatness with the world. Not, like, naked riding a bike greatness, more like, I would like to bring someone breakfast in bed or text them at 2:17pm on a Tuesday to say, "I think you have the sexiest smile" greatness. And other such utter nonsense. Big D and I, we're romantics. We discussed how people sometimes view us as being corny but we steadfastly maintain that more corniness would make the world a better place.
Anyways. A super illuminating conversation that boosted my ego tremendously. Again, I am left to wonder why I seek validation from people that don't treat me well, while all around me I have this loving, supportive network of friends constantly jumping up and down on the sidelines for me and telling me I'm great, but I never listen to them. Yeah. I am great. Big D's great. And we're only going to get... like, greater.
I am so full of Indian food.
I am so glad I didn't have to see a naked bicyclist.

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