"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Monday, August 20, 2007

The song that is stuck in my head

I have the Tears for Fears song "Mad, Mad World" stuck in my head. I am further frustrated by the fact that I only know about three lines of the song, so it cycles over pretty quickly. This has happened before. I do not like it.
The thing that I ate yesterday (you know, it occurs to me that that is probably not a good way to start any sentence, but that's really neither here nor there) is called tapenade. Thank you, Typewriter. I believe it is Persian and I don't think it's bad for you, and if it is, well I guess I'll just start running 60+ kilometres a week so I can afford to ingest a little from time to time. It has olives and feta cheese in it and is damn tasty. Also tasty is Mt. Boucherie Semillon.
Let's see. The new chief of police issued a rather stupid statement regarding one of the eyewitnesses to last Monday's shooting at Granville and 16th. He indicated that he was frustrated that witnesses were speaking to the media before speaking with the police. The witness in question had apparently been on a bus and had seen the man being shot to death by police and likened the killing to an execution. Apparently the witness did call the police, but they had not returned his phone call. Regardless: why does one have to speak with the law before they give information publicly? This case is raising all sorts of ethical questions. It appears as though we have a case of extreme police brutality and there will be an investigation, but by whom? "Who cops all the cops?" to quote my beloved and handsome Gord Downie. And now we have a police chief expressing frustration that eyewitness accounts are in the media without first being run through the police, so they can no doubt but a certain "spin" on it. Ahhhh... this is why I don't have cable, but this case is just too much to walk away from.
Okay. Happy thoughts. I think I'll have a Timbit today. They make me pretty happy. Tonight I'm going to flake out on my new furniture, have a glass of wine and read the Georgia Straight. That'll make me pretty happy too.

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