"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Thursday, August 9, 2007


You know it's a bad sign when, as you're driving to your running clinic, you're thinking of noble excuses as to why you missed the last three meets. Somehow I don't think the truth would've cut it: I felt anti-social; I was hungover; and for the last one I missed (hills) I was suffering from exhaustion and thought it would be better to pass out alone, than to embarrass myself in front of my fellow runners. So I had my excuse all lined up: I was going to blame it on work. But then I thought, what would've kept me away from the Sunday run? A bookkeeping emergency? I started to get anxious, seeing their beady little eyes assessing me silently, judging my lack of commitment, critiquing my social reservedness. When I showed up they were like, "hey, how are you?". That was pretty much it. Sweet.
A guest speaker talked to us about the bio mechanics of running. He was hot. I paid rapt attention. I was like, "Tell me again about plantar fasciitis? Ah, I see. Can you show us the plank position again? Nice. I think I could understand it better if you took your shirt off". In all seriousness, we learned some really valuable stuff which was great. Apparently I need to improve my "cadence". Whatever the hell that means. My instructor was like "you're too slow" and then when he left us to go run with someone else he said, "increase your cadence, T-!". I felt like I was six years old. Dude, I was in the fast group today. What do you want? Frickin' miracles?
Speaking of miracles, the two people I ran with were working on their PHDs in I have no idea what, but it sounded infinitely complicated and very important. It was in the health care field. They were like, "Yeah, my thesis was on affordable drug care in underdeveloped countries and to put myself through school I've given away all my worldly possessions and I give blood every week and I have sixteen thousand kittens because I just can't leave them at the SPCA and I spend every Saturday night rubbing the bunions on my 96 year old grandmother's feet". I was like, "I'm a bookkeeper. The world cannot function without bookkeepers. I volunteered at the SPCA once. To meet guys. Do you want to go out drinking after this?". Cadence, Duder, cadence!
All jesting aside, I totally love my running group. Everyone is so encouraging of one another. We wave and say nice things as we pass (okay, maybe I say vulgar and insulting things, but I'm new to the whole running group thing) and we're all there for the same reason: to get that damn bio mechanical doctor's phone number. Oh... I jest.
What else. Going out for drinks with L tomorrow night, sans husband. She's just returned from Newfoundland so we are gonna get all tore up. Seriously, my running instructor recommended it. He said, "do your partying on Friday night because we're running..." and I stopped listening after "do your partying on Friday night". Something big is happening on Sunday morning. I just can't remember what. It might have to do with cadence...

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