"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Not drinking and eating ox knuckles

C came over after work today. Like, right after work. Like, I had just put away the drug and sex paraphernalia and shoved the endangered animals that I like to pit against one another in a gory fight to the death under my bed, and my buzzer rang. Whew! That was close. I had been a little puzzled because it was 5 o'clock and was I supposed to make dinner or what, cause I like food. Well, he likely remembered the last time I cooked for him and so today he brought food! It was like Christmas at Duder's apartment. A hot man knocks on my door and has food for me. I thanked him kindly, took the food, gave him a fiver and closed the door. Oh.... he wanted to come in. Fine. Granted, a couple of the dishes were suspect. I think one was ox knuckles and another looked like it needed to be surgically implanted back into the small animal from whence it came, but I wasn't going to complain. Nor did I. My contribution was a cut up apple and some fig newtons. I. Am. Martha Friggin' Stewart.
I wasn't drinking because I was determined to get my 6k tempo run in after he left. He wasn't drinking because what little liver had survived his whirlwind UFC/Vegas trip he managed to finish off at the Cambie last night. His voice was a little gravelly and I don't think he shaved today. That's okay, neither did I.
We had a good chat about his upcoming trip to Alaska with his girlfriend (I recommend a stop in New Hazelton, and if you're in Kitimat stop in at MK Bay Marina and say hey to the manager (Richard) there, he and Michael's sister put us up for a few days back in the day). We talked about marriage and real estate. You know, small ticket items.
He mentioned he would be going to Cypress to do some assessment of the airport there. Me, being the worldly being that I am looked at him, puzzled. There's an airport on the mountain? Er, no. He meant Cypress, Greece. Right. I'm pretty sure he's going to need an assistant. That assistant should really be me. I can, you know, pitch in with my invaluable bookkeeping skills. Hanging on to receipts and compiling expense reports and such. What?? I've got Kelowna on the docket! And maybe Lasqueti again. Frick.
Ran my 6k in 29 minutes. Hooray! Now I am enjoying the wine that I could not enjoy with C and am checking out MLS because... I got pre-approved for my mortgage! Yep. Some big changes coming down the pipe. But, as I came home to my swanky pad with all my groovy lounge furniture and I reconciled my chequebook and saw the outstanding postdated rent cheques for a paltry $736 I realized I reallllly like it here, so I'm not in a huge hurry.
Cool. That's about it. In a really mellow mood. Listening to a little Blues Traveller. Will likely sprawl upon aforementioned lounge furniture in short order.
Good to be me. I just need another hot guy to knock on my door with dessert. Then my life would officially be perfect.

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