"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Good, clean fun

When I was out with N and Po the other night N mentioned that she and Skyhammer were going to see a burlesque show on Friday and did I want to come. At the time I had plans, but they fell through on Friday. I let Typewriter know I was free if he wanted to do something and he said sure. Shortly thereafter he had a proposition for me: there was a burlesque show that some of his coworkers were going to, and would I be up for it. I guess I was really, really meant to go to the burlesque show.
So we went. Met some of Typewriter's coworkers, all of whom were very nice and one of their girlfriends was actually going to be performing. N and Skyhammer showed up and all had a great time. Okay, maybe no one else did: but I had a really good time! The show was fantastic, I am now a big fan of burlesque. It was sexy, empowering, liberating, erotic, fun, ribald, inventive and positive. The crowd was hugely supportive of the women and their many different routines and outfits. It was roughly what I had anticipated, though more fun, creative and engaging. I would totally go again.
My Friday night was sort of like the perfect storm. Everything just went really well, things seemed to go in the right direction, connections were made, I seem to remember laughing a lot and just really enjoying myself and the people that I was with. There didn't seem to be any missteps or negativity - everyone seemed to be in a good mood and it was contagious. I'm still suffering from it!
I slept well too. I'm tired though, so going to have a nap before the Blue Rodeo concert. When I wake up it's going to be sunny: right? Right? Random interjection: Jan Des Bouvrie's "Gare Du Nord Pablo's Blues" is playing right now and wow, it's really mellow and groovy and I think I am having a moment of utter bliss and contentment.
Plus I just had an egg and pancakes and I love pancakes. There are two left over. When I wake up, it's going to be sunny, I'm going to eat the other two pancakes and will likely continue to smile and be happy a lot.

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