"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I think I have a tapeworm

Seriously. I've been starving all day and we only ran 11 miles. It makes no sense, I tell ya.
So, uh, this girl ran with the fast group today. I'm so stoked. They kept on looking back at me, waiting for me to fall back into my old group, but I would not relent! Michael was hurting because he did two hours of hills yesterday, so he wasn't exactly racing. I calculated that, after our one mile warm up, I ran a sub 8 minute mile for the remaining ten miles, so I ran 16 kilometres in an 1:17 hours. Not too shabby! A guy from my regular group caught up with us (he tends to break away towards the end of the run) and he asked me what it was like running with the fast group. I said it was alright. He said, "Are they funny?" and I said, "Not as funny as our group" and we both laughed. Our group leader sporadically bursts into (Broadway) songs: he's awesome.
Visited with Big D at Granville Island. Great to see all the people with their Sun Run shirts downtown! It was such a positive experience the few times I did it: it's what got me into running in the first place.
Came home. Um, napped and was rudely interrupted by C who felt the need to text me and tell me how much fun he had watching the UFC match in... Montreal.
Then Michael came over. Hubba hubba. He is looking good. Yeah. So. Uh huh. Boom chicka wah wah. He also brought with him... guess? Whipping cream? Flowers? Lingerie? Chocolate? No! He brought a PowerPoint presentation which I reviewed with him after we... yeah. He has to give a presentation at a user conference in Phoenix in a week. Poor guy. He's like me as far as public speaking goes: I hate it. Hate. It. He and I had coffee with another guy after the run today and I could feel my face getting red after I spoke for more than 30 seconds. It's weird. I can rant and rave to my friends like it's going out of style, but if I have to speak for a prolonged period of time to someone I don't know too well I end up with my foot in my mouth.
But basically? I think he came over and seduced me so I would critique his presentation. I just wanted to have a cigarette and go back to bed, but no, I had to review a presentation about the application upgrade to a Citrix environment.
It was so worth it.
And? Citrix sounds kind of like a citrus juice with lots of antioxidants added to it.
I'm just saying.
I'm in a good mood.

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