"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm slightly imbalanced

Let's just get that out there and in the open. I realize how utterly insane I am when sitting next to N and listening to her normalcy. I said, "Um, I'm in my head a lot". What's so good in my head, anyways (besides the whole myriad of alternate realities that I've created based on various "what if" scenarios)? I expressed to Michael (who did not disagree) that perhaps my thought processes are a bit off kilter, but that simply being aware of this was enough. It makes me unique. If you ever need to have a lengthy conversation about any big topic issue: I'm your girl. If you ever want to scrutinize something so hard that you actually lose track of what it was that you were scrutinizing to begin with, give me a call. Not sure how many shades of grey there are? Call me! I'm an expert.
Anyways. I've said it before and I shall say it again. My friends rock. They listen, they don't judge, they make gentle suggestions, they suggest that maybe spending time outside of my apartment is a good thing.
You know what else is good? Michael. He had to drop off my spare set of keys to me tonight (kind of a long story). Anyways, I totally love him. Like, head over heels, there is no one else, he is perfect and I want to retire with him immediately to the countryside and grow apples or some damn thing. I have relationship ADD. I need to be constantly stimulated and told that I am loved and pandered to which is totally unreasonable. No one else would or could put up with my shit. I'm actually not sure why he does it. He came over tonight and was touchy and he's never touchy so it was rather interesting. He kept kissing my neck, and he held my hand a lot. I think he can tell that I'm somewhat forlorn. And he loves me endlessly like I love him, so I just need to accept that because everything that he does indicates that he loves me like crazy so, you know, I should just roll with that.
I got my Boston Marathon information today (you know, for the race that I'm NOT running in Boston in four days) and we looked through it. There are a lot of clothing items you can buy. One is a t-shirt that says, "I love Baastin". I thought it was freakin' hilarious. We both agreed that when we go to Boston (because, goddamnit, we are going to Boston) we are going to buy so much stuff. Then, whenever some clinic leader is like, "and do you know why we do tempo runs, boys and girls?" we can just point to the Boston logo on our shirt and smile politely. Chowdah.
Alright, kids. Tomorrow will be a new day of trying to be outward facing and to forgive myself for my transgressions against... myself. Life is good.
Like, really quite good.

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