"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm scared of bears and sharks

Totally didn't get up to do the run this morning. Actually, I lie: I did get up at 6:35. While Michael got ready I drank orange juice from the container before going back to bed. Managed to sleep for another 4.5 hours. It was the first decent sleep I've had in over a week and though I'm still coughing today I feel much, much better. Who gets sick in July??
So yesterday was fun. What an amazing event. When Michael and I used to run 10 kilometre races all the time we noticed the same guy, Oliver, was winning them over and over. I sort of developed a crush on this guy because he was pretty cute and obviously in great shape (crush/quasi-stalking, it's all the same). Anyways, Oliver married someone other than me and after a couple of years of intense therapy I was able to overcome it. As Michael and I were sitting in our chairs - marshaling, as it were, and fending off an incredible conflagration of gnats (what is their purpose???) - I looked up and saw a familiar looking person coming down the trail. I turned to Michael and said, "Wow, that guy looks like Oliver!". And it was and he was in the 3rd spot overall for the race, and when we looked up (stalked him) the results after the race we saw he came in 2nd overall. So hot.
We saw quite a few people from our running clinic grinding it out. Everyone was amazingly friendly and some people seemed to be really glad to see us. Because there was only a couple hundred runners a lot of people were running alone and I think some people were glad for a little social interaction, even if it consisted of Michael and I flailing and jerking around to avoid mosquitoes, when not pretending to be bears.
A friend of ours was in the race and she actually stopped to chat with us a bit and let us know how she was feeling. We had told her that I was going to dress up as a bear and scare runners (jokingly), which is why Michael made up the bear masks which N didn't really find that scary. We also told her that we would direct all the women that came before her in the wrong way, so she would hopefully place in the top three. Obviously we didn't do this, but another female runner cruised by and asked us if we wouldn't mind tripping all the people behind her (we didn't do that either).
Went to my mom's for dinner with Michael afterwards. Jay and Andrea were there so it was nice to see them. I never see Jay and then twice in two weeks! Weird. Sad that my parents will be moving out of the house in the next couple of months. Childhood home and childhood memories and all that.
Alright. I'm totally delaying the inevitable. The inevitable being a fifteen mile run that I have to do because I do one this morning. I believe I have only showed up to one Sunday run so far with my clinic. I'm such a wanker, but I'm doing two additional miles over what the clinic did. So, you know, I'm stupid.
It's so hot out there.

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