"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mystic Pizza... sigh

Did anything good come out of the eighties? Jesus Keyrist. If you haven't seen this movie and you don't want me to give away key components of the plot, don't read on.
Where to begin. Okay, the clothes threw me. It's hard to take anyone seriously when they're wearing black nylons and a black cocktail dress with a big white bow on it and freaking patent black leather pumps. I think I saw a banana clip. And what's with all the hair? Oh! How about a t-shirt that fits, and jeans that don't go up to your tits?
Wow. Sorry about that. As I said: the clothes threw me. But I kept thinking, "the stellar acting will carry it". Julia Roberts and Vincent D'Onofrio did a good job (though I will admit that D'Onofrio is on my top ten list), but the rest was really overacted. I don't get it. Like, were these problems that were showcased in the movie quite groundbreaking back in the eighties? Intriguing... as I start to rail against it I'm starting to find a couple of good points. Okay, Julia Roberts' character seeing through her rich boyfriend's facade and calling him on it: that was actually good. And Lili Taylor's relationship with D'Onofrio was a little atypical because he was the one pushing for marriage, whereas she just seemed to be into it for the sex.
The rest was trite! The dinner scene where the serving girl knows Julia Roberts and starts chatting her up? Come on! No serving girl would be like, "hey, how in the hell are ya?" to a guest that she knew. And why did Vincent D'Onofrio have to marry Lili Taylor so badly? Couldn't they just have shacked up, snorted coke and worn really bad clothing for a couple of years like everyone else was doing?
The best part was the other girl who was trying to save money to go to Yale. So, besides slinging slices, she takes a job babysitting. Um, how much does babysitting pay? Take a job slinging drinks and get some tips, honey. Whatever. So she babysits and then oh! fucks the dad and is devastated when the wife returns from her travels in England and the dad doesn't acknowledge her. How did this girl get into Yale? She's stupid! Give me the scholarship: I can figure shit like that out right quick!
Right. It did make me want to have pizza, though. Not sure if that's a good thing.
Here are some good things: Michael, my blessed lover, ran the three bridges today. I say boo-yah for not letting the man keep you down and he is currently my A Number One Hero. He said The Killers' "All These Things That I've Done" came on while he was on the final leg up Keith Road and the song propelled him up the hill. I vaguely knew the song so I downloaded it, played it like five times while dancing around my kitchen. That song rocks. I understand that it rocked like two years ago, but clearly I was saving it for tonight. So I could dance around in my kitchen. By myself. On a Sunday night. Hey! I should get some cats.
I realize I'm blogging too much lately, but it's because I have verbal diarrhea and I'm just that irritating.
I think I might go dance around my kitchen some more.

1 comment:

Big D said...

Yea 80's. Bring back acid wash jeans. Ok, let's not. Yea I vaugly remember watching that back in the day and being generally unimpressed. My review was more simply "that sucked".

A few days ago the recollection of "Citizen Ruth" popped into my head and I want to re-watch it. I'm throwing it out there as a recommondation. Check it out.