"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Today. Today. I woke up at 7am which was fantastic, because it was an hour later than I had to wake up yesterday. So, um, I'm totally sleep deprived. Nonetheless, I got up to do the allotted 14 miles which is far. It's 14 miles to be exact. It was pretty hot this morning, so I chose to wear the same gear I wore for yesterday's 10k race, so I smelled really fresh. Got to the clinic and NO ONE FROM THE RED GROUP WAS THERE. What's with that?? Like, not one single person. So, um, do I over-exert myself and go with the faster group, or fall back with the slower group? Michael was hurting from the prior day's trail race and said he was going to take easy. I think he was hoping to run with my 8:30 mile group that failed to materialize, so we ended up running with his group (which, for their long slow runs, do it at an 8 minute mile pace) which was great because we were both a little tired to begin with and it was hot and the route was mostly uphill and, um, this was the most physically challenging weekend that I've had to endure for a long, long time. I actually beat Michael back to the store which never happens.
Then we started to nod off on my balcony. Then we went to Winners where I tried on hooker shoes and tried to walk around I inadvertently turned on half the men there, even though I almost fell flat on my face fifteen times. Then we started to nod off on the beach at Ambleside. Then we started to nod off on the patio at Earls. Then we tried to nap at my place but we both got happy feet so we couldn't. Then Michael went home and I had a peculiar hankering for beer and Trailer Park Boys, so I bought beer and rented Trailer Park Boys and got to witness Rita McNeil harvesting pot, which was fantastic.
To sum up: I think I have broken my body because my legs, ass, back and neck are sore since I haven't done yoga or weight training in about two weeks and when I try and touch my toes I hear pinging sounds as the sinews in my body start to snap. But I did have a PB on Saturday and I ran with the 8 minute group today, so I'm feeling pretty happy about that. Although that could be the Rickard's Red talking. When did I start drinking beer?
So, so glad to not have to work tomorrow. Am sleeping until 11. If you try and call me I will hunt you down and kill you. Steve French, the drug-addicted mountain lion, was funny. I do not remember the last time I was this totally exhausted. I am super pissed with the happy feet scenario. What the hell is with that?? I hate happy feet when I'm trying to sleep. What is the point of happy feet? What vitamin am I deficient in, that leads to me thrashing around in my bed unnecessarily? Stupid.
Um. My mom is 60 today. Age is a funny thing. I don't think that Michael looks 42 (especially given that he normally acts like he's 8). Went for coffee after the run and one guy that looks like he's about 40 said he's 48. Some runners do look young, that's for sure. Caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror at Delaney's in West Van and I thought, "Wow. I don't look like I'm in my mid-twenties anymore". I look like an adult. I thought that I looked older than I felt (though this was likely the result of being sleep deprived for the past week, and running 20 miles over the past couple of days). It's weird, this whole getting older thing.
I am totally rambling because I'm utterly exhausted, mildly drunk, and don't want to go to bed because I don't have to and I want to party because I don't have to work tomorrow, but ultimately I'm 31 and have been up at 6 and 7am this weekend to run long distances and I'm really tired.
I believe, if you took my life on a good day (or even an even-keel day) it would be better than the majority of people's lives. I just need to really remember that sometimes.

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