"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My running clinic is messing with me

There was a run a couple of weeks ago that I didn't do (I hadn't yet re-committed to this whole marathon idea - sleep seeming like a better idea at the time), and some of the people that talked about it indicated that there was no way the run was 12 miles as they were under the impression it was, surely it was thirteen.
The same thing happened today. When this run was talked about at the clinic last week the term "fifteen miles" was bandied about. I looked at the route this morning and it said sixteen miles on it. And it turned out to be closer to seventeen miles. I know two miles doesn't seem like a lot, but after you've run fifteen miles and you still have to run along the seawall, over the Burrard Street bridge and back to Kits Beach when you thought you were supposed to done, it is far.
I'm not complaining: I did close to 17 miles today. That kicks ass. It was wet when I woke up, but it didn't rain on our run and we got to run from Kits to Science World, then along the seawall, around Stanley Park and back. Vancouver's a beautiful city and it was great to see so, so many groups of runners out today. I think we saw more runners than walkers! And almost everyone that came out today wore their clinic shirts which was cool (only I did feel a bit bad because I didn't want to infer that we had run from the North Shore, cause we ran from Kits, but then I don't feel too bad about it since in a month or more we will be running the infamous "three bridges" which takes us over the Ironworkers, Burrard and Lionsgate bridges).
Am I boring you with my running talk? Likely. Here's an update: my banana was touching my cookie and so when I ate the cookie it tasted like banana which pissed me off because I don't want my tasty cookies to taste like something healthy.
Now I'm really tired so I'm going to watch "Mystic Pizza" because I've never seen it, while waiting for Michael to call me from a pay phone, asking me to come and pick it up. He worked last night and got to bed at 4am, so he just left for his run about an hour ago. He tried to call me once from a pay phone and because I didn't recognize the number I didn't answer it. I'm still living that one down.
Oh, best ever wine news? Went to the new wine store on Marine called "Everything Wine" and it's basically like a grocery store, but with wine. Anyways, I thought to myself, "if this place can't help me, no one can" and I marched up to a perky employee and said, "Do you have any wines from Ontario?" to which she wrinkled up her nose as to say, "why ever would we have wines from Ontario?" (um, because they're tasty and we should promote Canadian wines, that's why??) and she's like, "I think we have a couple of wineries" and with baited breath I followed her, fingers crossed, hoping against hope to see the thing that I haven't had since I went to Mississauga when I worked for Hudd a million years ago and visited Niagara Falls and then did a wine tasting and fell in love with a certain wine only to find that pretty much one goddamn winery in the Okanagan produces it and it's like $28 a bottle when they're practically giving it away for free in the Niagara Region and there it was! A bottle of Baco Noir for $14.99! Miracles do happen.
I'm so excited I could nap!

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