"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, March 9, 2008

7am is really 6am

I didn't do 6am. I got out of bed very late. So late that I was able to deduce that Michael would have already run the allotted 21 kilometres, done his lunges and planks and was now wrapping up coffee with our fellow runners at Starbucks. My ovaries hurt.
We visited my nana and her husband out at UBC yesterday. There wasn't just one accident on the way in, but two! One before the Lionsgate and one after. Supercool. Took us over an hour to get there, but it was worth it because my nana had hardanger lefsa which is the ultimate treat and I am normally only privy to it at Christmas. I should learn how to make it. I need to balance out some of the other things that have been passed down to me: my ability to become very excitable in a very short period of time and then resort to yelling, because if you're ever losing an argument it's likely because you're not talking loud enough; bookkeeping skills; a guilt ridden complex; and the ability to rationalize the need for beer in a stirfry.
Gordon Campbell lives in the suite below my grandmother. When no one was looking I jumped up and down on the floor a lot, but nothing came of it.
I still have to fix the effing drawers in my kitchen. Michael called this morning and wanted to get the ball rolling but I said no. He spent Friday night and almost all of Saturday with me and he's had no time to himself. He seemed a bit relieved and admitted he was really tired. Then I was kind of sad because I'd still like to see him, but not if it involves hanging out at a hardware store and idly loitering around him while he works in my kitchen. I try to be helpful. Once he let me saw some things, but mostly I just block his light. So I said, "Well, maybe if you're really bored later on today we could go for a coffee or something" and then his voice brightened up and he said, "Yeah, I would really love that".
Let's recap: didn't get up at 7am (which is really 6am), didn't run 21 kilometres (and it was supposed to be at race pace today, so it was kind of an important run), have no plans to fix my drawers but do have plans for coffee.
This is going to be a good Sunday!

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