"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You complete me

I just finished watching "Jerry Maguire" and man were their cell phones and laptops old school. Then I looked it up and it's from 1996. It took me twelve years to get around to seeing this movie. No wonder I never seem to make any headway on my to-do list.
As I'm studying Tom Cruise's character I am have a feeling of familiarity: who does this person remind me of? I call Michael and here is a rough synopsis of our conversation:
Michael (in an oddly low voice): "Hello?"
Duder: "Why are you answering the phone like that?"
Michael: "Why are you telling me how to answer the phone? I can answer the phone any way I want."
Duder (mimicking Michael and speaking in a low voice): "Hello? I have a big penis and a Corvette.
I just called to say that I finished watching 'Jerry Maguire'."
Michael: "And?"
Duder: "And you're Jerry Maguire."
Michael: "What do you mean?"
Duder, quoting Jerry Maguire from the movie: "'I'm good with friendship but bad with intimacy'. That's you."
Michael: "And who are you?"
Duder: "I'm Rod Tidwell."
Michael: "Which one is that?"
Duder: "Cuba Gooding Junior."
Michael, laughing: "Yeah right. The girl I met years ago wanted to throw things out of cars at people that she didn't think looked right. You're Cuba Gooding Junior..."
Duder: "Yeah, I still want to do that. I'm Rod Tidwell in that I'm more vocal about my love for you. I still hate people. But I love you."
Michael... still laughing: "You're the girl who made fun of the fat guy on the scooter with the tiny helmet, and now you're telling me that you're all 'I love everything, the flowers are so beautiful'."
Duder: "No, no. I don't love everything: I just love you."
Then we digressed to what route we're going to run on Saturday (because the run on Sunday isn't long enough, so we're going to run the day before as well) and we decided on the route that would make our feet bleed the most with the hopes of severe nipple chaffing. Well, that's my hope for Michael at any rate. We go to sign off.
Michael, mumbling a little: "Night. Love you."
Duder, laughing: "Love you too."

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