"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, June 22, 2008


I'm not sure I know many people that kick off their vacation by getting up at 5am to run a half marathon. I'm so glad it's done. I love the Scotiabank half (that's why I've run it four times). What a great day. I love the people that come out to cheer, I love the volunteers. I love this absolutely beautiful city that we live in and I love that, this year, Michael and I went with another fabulous couple and that we all went for brunch after.
My time was 1:43:54 which means I ran a sub-five minute kilometre and I felt really good. In fact, I felt the best that I've ever felt after running any half or full. Michael came in at 1:35:47. He's effing fast.
I remember back in the day, thinking how the grind up the hill from Jericho beach was so arduous. I remember hating the Burrard Street bridge. Not today. Today I loved it all. I felt good and strong and had no knee pain and I fueled well and I as I was booking it to the finish I heard (over my iPod) Michael cheering me on.
I'm so fortunate to live in such a beautiful city and to be able to share such a great accomplishment with 5,000 other people on a great Sunday morning in June.
Then brunch. Then Michael and I napped: we were totally knackered. Then we got up and walked for another couple of hours around North Van, enjoying the sun (and getting the lactic acid out of our muscles).
Here's where I'll get sappy about Michael. Tune out now if you want to retain your dinner. So he comes back from Penticton last night and he comes over for dinner and brings an overnight bag without any prompting. We stay out on my balcony until it gets dark and are amazed how late it stayed bright. So we sleep (though, per my previous blog, we didn't sleep too well). Pick up J and G and get to UBC for the run. Then we spent the whole day together and now I won't see him for another week. He's just so great. I dunno. We sat in the sun at Starbucks eating cake and then wandered around, venturing into heretofore undiscovered trails and pushed each other into sprinklers. He brought me wine and jams and jellies from the Okanagan and washed my car while he was up there. He wants to pick me up when I get back into town on Saturday night. Public transit is brilliant from the ferries to here, but he wants to come and get me and I said okay. Sigh. I love him endlessly.
On that note. I should go... do stuff. I have to catch a 5:30am bus tomorrow because I'm insane (though leaving at this time gets me to Lasqueti at 10:45 and I'm going to FUCKING NAP FOR EONS).
I might blog at the school while I'm up there. I'm bringing my camera so I'll get lots of shots and post them when I get back.
I love not working. I love running. I love the summer and my life and Lasqueti and friends.
Mmmm. Happy!!!

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