"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Today. Up at 7 for the 8am clinic. I never sleep well when I have to get up early on the weekends, so I was pretty bagged by the time I dragged my sorry ass down to the store this morning. I found out we were running 7 miles and was like, sweet, I ran 15 miles yesterday so this will be a cake walk. Well, because I ran 15 miles yesterday I thought today's run would never end and my legs felt like tree stumps, which isn't nearly as interesting or fun as it might sound. Then, because I'm stupid, I didn't bring any water which was problematic given that, at 8:15am I was sweating because it was so sunny and warm. So overall it was a great way to kick off another marathon clinic.
Spent a little quality time with Michael before heading into Kerrisdale (he's going on vacation next week and it's totally corny and it's only a week but I'm going to miss him wildly) to visit with L and hear about her awesome trip to Europe. I need to go to Europe. Then I met up with Po for a very belated birthday dinner and some very tasty pasta. It was such a great evening we walked along the beach in Kits and then I headed home.
As I was on the bus going over the Granville Street bridge I looked out over the water and the boats coming in to dock and at the sun sinking over the mountainous ridges in the distance and thought, "we live in the most beautiful city in the world". And then when I was sauntering down the skywalk to catch the seabus I noticed the way the setting sun was hitting the cranes at Vanterm in such a way that they were this brilliant, flaming orangey red which contrasted against the shadowy dark blue hues of the North shore mountains and it was such a beautiful sight that it looked kind of phony. It was like some terrific Herzog 1950's Kodachrome photo and it was just there, free, offered up to me.
Sometimes I want to look furtively around and see if anyone else is getting this, is drinking this in.

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