"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm fast (but all the men I've slept with already know that)

What a great day. Well, actually, it wasn't great until I left work, but then it became great. All day I was anticipating the hummus that N made (she gave me a container packed full of it when we were at book club last night and it's the best hummus I've had in my life). Please, don't underestimate my love of hummus. When I work out tomorrow night I'm going to reek of garlic. Ah well: it will guarantee that I'll get the gym to myself.
So. Went to the liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine, because one should always kick off their weekends on a Thursday night instead of waiting until Friday. Especially if one is running a half marathon at SEVEN AM ON SUNDAY. 7AM??? WTF? And then I have to catch the 6:30am sailing from Horseshoe Bay on Monday morning. Fack. I'm already exhausted and this doesn't take into account that, in addition to getting up at 5:30 on Sunday, I'll have to run 21 goddamn kilometres.
But it's okay. Went to my clinic tonight and it was cool. I have a group of people that I know there now (this being my the second time around with this running clinic) and some of the people were genuinely happy to see me (whereas most of them were just pretending). Then? Get ready for it... we did a 25 minute tempo run which may not sound like a lot, but I ran about 3.25 miles and my pace was a sub 8 minute mile and... I was the fastest girl there tonight! I was pretty pleased with that. And then my running mate A was quite attentive to me tonight (Michael said he always asks where I am when I don't show up for a run) and I just love him, he's such a positive, exuberant person to be around and as I passed him during the way he was so encouraging (he beat me at the Vancouver Marathon). I was talking to Michael tonight and I said, "A's in love with me. You better get home soon," and Michael laughed: he knows.
Eh. It was just nice to get back into the running groove, to have a good, strong run tonight and to be around such fantastic people. I love runners. Runners are freaking awesome people. They're the people that I've been looking for all my life (aside from my brilliant friends, of course).
You know how some days you feel the love? Today I feel the love. Today is great. I love hummus. I am putting hummus on my salad tomorrow even though the environmental committee is doing a lunchtime presentation and I may have to speak and breathe on people.
La dee da.
Quite content.
Though not too fussed about this 7am half marathon business. Ergh.
Love you all, my little chick peas!

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