"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Friday, June 13, 2008


One of my coworkers Skyped me and told me I looked "fucking lovely" today. At first I was taken aback and kind of offended, and then I remembered that he had come into my office yesterday while I was re-reading an email with some pics from http://www.engrish.com/ and was using my lovely appearance today in conjuction with this picture.

1 comment:

Godinla said...

It was so fucking lovely of you to introduce me to Engrish. Thanx.

Stay out of the high heels, Dude. That's not something that a runner should be doing.