"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Friday, June 20, 2008


Blah. Bored. I feel a bit detached from my life right now. I think I need a good night's sleep. Will strive for that tonight.
Something interesting did happen to me today. As you know I am an advocate and champion of public transit and, obviously, taking the same buses day in and day out means seeing some of the same characters day in and day out. So there is one guy that I've noticed for a few months. Hmm... how to describe? Um: Adonis. Yes. This guy is ridiculously good looking. He's likely in his early twenties and has blond, slightly curly hair and a nice tan and an amazing physique. He appears to have a manual job because he's a bit disheveled when I see him coming home. He doesn't listen to an iPod or talk on a cell phone. He just sits quietly and yet, somehow, attentively if that makes any sense. Still waters run deep and this gentleman strikes me being very thoughtful, steadfast, considerate and insightful. Yes, I totally deduce people's personalities even though they've never spoken to me and I realize that's "pre-judging" and I ought not to do it, but I do so... go suck. And the weird bit? He looks a bit like Michael looked when he was in his early twenties. Lean, blonde, bronzed, buff, affable (disclaimer: he is still all those things, just with more crows feet).
Where was I? Right. So Adonis gets on the bus today and there are no seats left so he has to stand in front of me and a little to the left (insert ribald joke here). He is so attractive that I find myself sneaking furtive glances at him, and staring at his hands a lot (hands are kind of my thing). I will interject here that it takes a lot to turn my crank. I don't find Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise attractive. My attractiveness radar is skewed, unpredictable and erratic. But this guy. Oh. My. God.
What happens? The person next to me gets up to get off the bus. Adonis offers the seat to the girl standing next to him. I pray that she declines the seat. She declines the seat. Adonis sits next to me. I can hardly contain myself. It's like this uncontrollable fit of lust comes over me. It's literally overwhelming to the point that I think, "is this totally one sided?". And then he looks over in my direction and I stare, hard, straight ahead, out the window, refusing any attempt at eye contact. And I also think, "this guy is like 10 years younger than me and, if anything, he probably thinks I'm a cougar. So that's fun".
Yeah. So that was pretty much it today. That, plus I'm super stoked that Scotiabank gave out re-usable bags with their race packages today! Way to go Scotiabank!! And the half marathon shirts are effing swank! I've been wanting a long sleeved technical shirt but hate the cost of all things running, so running 13 miles on Sunday is a small price to pay for the sweet gear I got today!
Okay. So it's settled: going to ravage Michael when he returns tomorrow.

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