"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Friday, July 25, 2008

Hairdresser, thy name is Sarita

After being on the North Shore for eight months I have finally found my hairdresser. The other two were but red herrings, our relationships starting out promising, and then being defiled with missed appointments (hey, I showed up) and language barriers a la "Seinfeld" where I was pretty sure I was being spoken about in a foreign language (surely they were discussing my acerbic wit and ethereal beauty).
Today I met Sarita. She has a nose piercing, isn't too much older than me, asked a lot of questions as to what exactly I wanted done to my hair (the little bit that I have), gave me a bit of a head rub, laughed at my jokes, stowed my wine (which, upon purchasing, I was ID'd!!!), did I mention laughed at my jokes? And, because all hairdressers seem to do this, sent me out into the scary world looking like a dazed lesbian. What's with that? Hairdressers need to look at their patrons' hairstyles when they come in - because that's obviously how their clientele wishes to look - and then try and replicate it on their way out. I all but ran home because it was sticking up and I felt like a huge dork, but having been through this scads of times I knew it would be okay once I washed the product out and tried to make myself look like more of a boy, and less like a lot of the women that stroll Commercial Drive.
So, with my cool coif and floating on cloud nine because I was ID'd (though in retrospect I think the guy was hitting on me because he winked at me while I was standing in line) I decided to really live it up by renting 4 videos from Rogers and drinking alone (Prospect Point Pinot Blanc is very good). I. Am. So. Happy.
Well. Must hop to it. These movies aren't going to watch themselves. I am so unbelievably exhausted from this week. I'm secretly hoping that I fall asleep on the couch because for some reason this has become an objective of mine of late: it means that I have pushed it so hard that I can't even make it to bed. Normal people would maybe try not to push it so hard, but I've never indicated that I'm normal and I seem to have inordinate fear of missing something (I know not what) by going to bed.


Godinla said...

You look like the acerbic young man that we all know and love. The boy that we're attracted to but don't know why and are afraid to admit to out loud. Then you turn slightly so that we finally get the profile and see the outline of the breasts. Oh, thank God! Then the winking begins.

I noticed you in line. You need any help drinking that vino and watching those movies? I get off at 7:30. I only work here for shits and giggles. I'm really a cultured guy with oodles of cash.

Duder said...

Ha! You always seem to love my new haircuts. I'm glad to one at least one singular fan.
A cultured guy with oodles of cash? Speak on, dear sir...
Ah, I jest. Must off to a monster rally just now.