"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Monday, March 10, 2008

Oh. Hey. Is it raining?

If I had gotten up at 7am on Sunday like a good girl, I wouldn't have felt so ridiculously inclined to, oh, say, run 20 kilometres after work today. I really started to ponder just what in the hell I was doing when the car hit the gigantic puddle of water on Lynn Valley Road and almost drowned me whilst running. Michael just laughed. Yes, Michael ran 20k with me tonight... after running 21k yesterday. If I don't clean up my act PDQ there's no way I'm going to requalify for Boston. Did I mention that he reached over and pinched my fat when we were driving in to see my nana on Saturday? Cause that happened. I was like, "Did you just reach over and grab my fat?" and he had this perplexed look on his face like his hand had moved of its own volition or something. This would be the same day that I ordered a hamburger with bacon and cheese while he had a stirfry... and then he ran the aforementioned 21k while I slept in.
In other news, got a really nice job offer today. Like take what I'm currently making and add another 20 to 25k onto it. This very nice, very attractive job offer is from one of my old bosses that I still talk to and see intermittently. She liked working with me and I liked working with her.
But where's the rub, you ask. Because I wouldn't be blogging about it if there wasn't a rub. The job is in Richmond. I will NOT commute to Richmond. This means I would have to sublet my apartment to Michael (which I have no problem with) and move closer to the job. So, Ladner perhaps. Um, I'm not sure if I want to move to Ladner. I just got here. I only discovered Edgemont this past weekend. I'm getting to know the girls at Extra Foods. People at my running clinic are wondering where I am when I choose to sleep in instead of run. Michael is a ten minute walk away.
It would be a huge lifestyle change. I would have to re-establish myself once again. It is a managerial job, so I will have employees to manage and I'll have to wear a suit from time to time and do the whole corporate thing.
I did the whole corporate thing. I did it for four years and it made me a nasty person. I hired, fired, reviewed, was sent on courses and sent for training and had my own office and did things like "liaise" and "streamline" and then went home and kicked the proverbial dog and was miserable. I'm not saying that's indicative of all management jobs, but it was indicative of this particular management job. But it's not with the same company and it is with someone that I greatly enjoyed working with in the past. Twenty to twenty five thousand extra dollars.
Ya dig? I don't know.
Am I copping out and being a spoiled baby if I choose to stay where I am, living the lifestyle that has been afforded me due to my parents' generous donation?
Will reintroducing myself to the corporate environment undo all the self improvement that I've struggled to achieve in the last three years?
What's happening in Ladner?
When would I see my friends?
Where would I run?
Change is scary. I didn't realize how firmly ensconced in this particular environment I am. Sitting here, chilling to KCSM, knowing what's expected of me tomorrow, the rest of the week and the week after that. We're doing hills tomorrow. Then coffee at Starbucks, per usual. I actually can fit a nap in between work and running. Is that worth twenty grand?


Mama Bear said...

Money isn't everything honey!
Wouldn't you rather be happy than rich?!

Mama Bear said...
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