"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Friday, May 30, 2008

No one's reading this

I strongly dislike Typewriter. I understand that this comes a year later than it should, but I've always been a sucker for... something. Self-flagellation? The hopes that someone will live up to the promise that you once saw flicker in their eyes? I actually don't have the right to say anything negative about the whole scenario in that I let it linger as long as I did. Why? Who the fuck knows, or cares? I seek absolution from people that make me feel poorly about myself. This likely has something to do with my skiing lessons when I was 11 years old. Whatever. I'm over it. Um, I have a loving family, fantastic friends, totally rad co-workers (more on that later), my health, lots of money, a nice car, an awesome bod, a face that won't quite shatter a mirror and a boyfriend that I love so much that I kissed his hands last night in a form of worship. So there it is, in all its naked glory.
My day? Yep. Went for lunch with A and another coworker who looks a lot like Jack from "Lost". I ate the most unhealthy lunch and would have felt badly about it except that I was lunching with two hot guys whose company I greatly enjoy and who both have something interesting to say.
Then I went for coffee with another couple of coworkers that I used to socialize with on a more regular basis. I love these guys. I just absolutely love the people I work with: they are fan-fucking-tastic. I understand that there's office politics wherever one goes, but I keep my head down, I do my work and I just enjoy the day to day. I know I've said it before, but I've never worked with such a fantastic and enjoyable people as I do right now: it's why I continue to do what I do. I love the people I work with. Seriously. Love.
Um. So after-work drinks that should have wrapped up at around 7pm wrapped up around 9pm and I'm pretty hammered. Ahh... and then Michael was supposed to come over and blah blah blah running stuff blah blah I called him and he has to work tomorrow and if I want to do the run I have to be up pretty goddamn early and I'm just really tired and am quite sure I'll be hung tomorrow so that's just not going to happen. He was like, "so when will I see you?" and I think it won't be until Sunday! When did this happen? I'm so glad I saw him last night and I won't see him again until Sunday night!?
It's weird, going from a position where I lived with someone for four years to this. I was such a bitch. He wasn't perfect either, but it's just odd. He came over last night for a quasi-booty call, and we ended up having a wide-ranging discussion that went from work, to water consumption, to Davie Bowie, and finally to communism. Hey, he's freaking hot and I'm sorry we never got around to taking our clothes off, but I'm also turned on that we had such great conversation that we never got around to being naked.
Anyways. Where is this blog going? No idea. Kinda trashed. Can't subscribe it to the whole horseshoe up my ass scenario given that I am starting to take responsibility for the great things that happen in my life (god knows I've consistently and continually beaten myself up for every bit of badness and every misstep that I've ever made). So, then, here I am. In this situation that I have created.
Fuck me if I haven't created for myself a very, very brilliant and beautiful situation.
I love my life. I absolutely love it.
I am going to be so hungover tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Fear not, Duder, you are being read. Your words are not disappearing into the great Internet ether, unnoticed, unappreciated, dare we say unloved. And now, having written this, I've changed the dynamics of our "relationship," becoming a participant rather than just a "viewer." Please don't think unkindly of me.
(And I'm going to have to be anonymous because I can't get this blessed thing to recognize me, argh!)

Duder said...

Thanks Igopogo! I could never think unkindly of someone that exhibits exasperation in the form of "argh!"