"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Drinkee, drinkee

Friday night should be fun: getting together with Po, N, Skyhammer, possibly Steve and maybe even Typewriter (gasp!). I'm starting to forget what he looks like. N was like, "What time should we meet?" and I said 7:30. Why 7:30 you ask? Because I have to get a six kilometre run in first. I really look forward to the day when I can get together with friends and family whenever the hell I want. I always have a six or ten kilometre run to squeeze in before I go anywhere. It'll be great starting mid-October when someone says, "Hey Duder, what time shall we commence the mass ingestion of alcohol?" and I can say, "Well, I get off at 4pm, so does 4:20 work for you?".
Today was a good day. Spent a lot of time pushing paper around my desk and emailed the majority of my friends at least once. Went shopping at Pac Centre (didn't buy anything though I really wanted to). Had coffee with a coworker and afterwards he took me to this magical place on the 2nd floor of our building. It was a jewellery store. It was where he picked out his wife's engagement ring and oh my god, I have never seen so much bling in my life. I saw a necklace for $37,000. I saw a lot of Tacori rings (www.tacori.com). You know, I try so hard to be good and not to be a consumer and to not covet material things, but these rings... so shiny and happy making! I don't even want to fathom what they fetch, but I do strongly feel that I am deserved of one. No. NO! Trinkets do not equal love. One of my favorite rings in my jewellery box is a glittery, gaudy plastic thing that my dad gave me when I was little. It means the world to me.
Then my boss attacked my plant with scissors. That was fun. Then I played with my robots for a while. That was also entertaining. Then I swept my little office and people asked me to sweep theirs and I explained what would happen once I got a jar of Vaseline and they bent over and repeated their request.
This was followed by crazy people on the bus, a warm welcome by the resident fruit flies that have made themselves quite comfortable in my apartment, a 10 kilometre run where I almost got hit by a Solara and now this. Isn't this fun? I love this time that we spend together. How was your day? Would you mind rubbing my feet? Oh! Not so hard, that's right, a little more gently. I'm going to have a glass of wine, would you like one? It's so nice to come home to you and be able to just flop on the couch and chill out. God, you're sexy. I bet there's more trouble involving rubbing that we could get into in the boudoir. What's that? You're tired? I'm pretty sure we can work through that. Why don't you go in and draw the blinds, turn on some music and relax for a minute. I will grab the Vaseline and the broom and I'll be right in.

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