"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's done

Saw the final two condos. Didn't buy either. Now for the aforementioned hiatus. Yes. To celebrate the winding down of my heretofore frenetic life I am drinking too many TsingTao beers, reading a Dean Koontz novel (in which the heroine drank TsingTao beer while eating Chinese, which led to my whole TsingTao debacle in the first place) and listening to my tunes. On rotation tonight: "Brian Wilson" by the Barenaked Ladies; "A Matter of Trust" by Billy Joel (oh hell yeah, I'm going old school); "To Love Somebody" by my beloved Blue Rodeo (um, this song will absolutely play at my wedding which will be... never, but anyways); speaking of... "But Anyways" by Blue Traveller. "Shiver" - Coldplay. "Everything's Not Lost" - Coldplay. "Time and Time Again" - Counting Crows (best fucking song ever): I wanted so badly somebody other than me, staring back at me but you were gone/I wanted to see you walking backwards, and get the sensation of you coming home/I wanted to see you walking away from me, without the sensation of you leaving me alone.
Oh, and I've solved the whole condo dilemma. See, secretly? I don't want to leave my place. Yeah sure, water has been known to spring from light fixtures. And yes, they did have to hack into my wall, leaving it exposed for such a long time that I set up a Facebook profile, documented the whole mess, and then deleted said profile. And perhaps when I came home today at 4:50pm they had cut the power to the building to do... something, but I don't care. I love my apartment. I love my street. I love Kerrisdale. So I want to buy my suite from the owners. I know this cannot be done: I'd have to buy the whole building. I wonder how much that would cost?
Also, sitting is rather painful today. Yes, I would make an excellent Catholic (for the guilt complex people, the guilt complex). Yesterday, as I mentioned, I stayed home because I was sick. I made myself stay in bed for several hours. I did not talk on the phone. I emailed a couple of people. I left my apartment once. Yeah, by 7 o'clock I was having an apoplectic fit because I hadn't gone for my run. I mean, I couldn't run: I was sick and it was raining. So what do I do? Yeah, I bring out the free weights and work out in my apartment for 35 minutes. It was a feat of utter hilarity. Mr. Bean has nothing on me. I haven't hit a gym in months and I attempted to do some push ups. I used to be able to do about 10 boy push ups. Yesterday I managed to do 20 GIRL push ups before relegating myself to the final ten pushing off from my living room wall. WEAK. I did 30 dips for my triceps and I could barely take my shirt off when I got home today. I did lunges and I cringe every time I sit or bend down. I feel like I've been kicked down a flight of concrete stairs. It's awesome. For some reason my abs are fine. Running must do something to the stabilizing muscles. Of all the things that I could be addicted to (okay, of all the things that I am addicted to: booze, coffee, drugs, reading, sex, cartoons, music, blogging and laughing), being addicted to exercise is pretty sweet. It helps balance out the bad addictions (you know, reading and such).
"Something So Strong" - Crowded House (live version, of course). God, it's a regular party of one in my apartment tonight. "Haywire" - the JayHawks (everyone should go out and buy "The Sound of Lies", totally underappreciated and relatively unknown band that is one of my all time faves). "Blue" - the JayHawks. "All I Want" - Joni Mitchell (I know I've mentioned this before, but goddamn).
I'm in such a good mood. Why am I in such a good mood? Why do I have to work tomorrow? Mmmm... I like my music. We should have a super happy double monkey luck funtime board game night at my place one of these nights. I was going to save it for the inevitable housewarming, but Christ only knows when the hell that will happen. I mean that in the best possible way of course.

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