"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Yeah. Why is it that every time I go out with my realtor I get home really late? We tried to look at five places in Kits today: two had been sold the night before. I hate dealing in a hot market. So here's the corny bit: last night I dreamed that I bought a condo. The last condo that we looked at today was one that I'd had my eye on for about a week and it was, surprisingly, still on the market. I made an offer. They countered. I went to Kinko's on Broadway in my pajamas to agree to the counter offer. It's open until 10am tomorrow. If they accept I have until Friday to remove the subjects and then completion is October 4th. Holy shit. Needless to say I'm a little wound up and I'm likely not going to sleep too well tonight which is doubly irritating given that I have to run 34 goddamn kilometres at 8:30 tomorrow. Yeah, you wanna talk about burning the candle at both ends? I need a vacation from condo shopping. So we'll see. I like the joint. It's on Cornwall, across from the beach which, you know, is just a mild perk. I wrote the bed and night stands into the offer because apparently I'm some kind of furniture kleptomaniac, but them's the breaks. If you don't want me to put your fine things into my offer then don't stage your suite so well! They wouldn't let me take the patio furniture, the effers. Okay, enough real estate talk.
Last night was fun. I mean, I was the conspicuous fifth wheel, but I think that everyone still enjoyed my presence. I look forward to playing Robot Rally at some point (pew! pew!) and I indicated that I had a couple of pretty cool robots at work. I said that they were both boy robots, but the question was put forth that how did I really know that they were boy robots. I really didn't have an answer. How does one sex a robot? I do believe that they're men because they don't return phone calls, they burp and they constantly leave the toilet seat up.
As for the Cascade Lounge: I liked it. I liked the sign. A lot. Perhaps S didn't agree with me on this: he thought the sign might be more acceptable if made a buzzing sound, but I thought it was mod. I also liked the funky, patchy wallpaper. I liked our waitress too. Skyhammer said that his mojito was good but not great and she told him that it was great and she was quite convincing. Oh - Brandy Alexanders? My new favourite thing. All in all an enjoyable evening. I'm happy to see that my friends are all happy and it was good to see them out with their respective beaus.
Okay. Still totally wound up. May run around in circles for a while before bed. I would watch some ATHF except that I watched the remaining five episodes after smoking a big fat joint (and eating a McFlurry) last night. Yeah. I absolutely cannot watch television when I'm baked. I could not piece together what was happening at all, and you know, the plotlines weren't all that complicated: it's a 12 minute cartoon vignette. I was perplexed. And hungry. Slept well though. Maybe I will watch a couple of episodes.
Yeah. I am really scattered. So please bear with me. I was talking to Michael and telling him that, should all go smoothly, I would take possession on October 5th (a Friday) and he's like, "Um, you do know the marathon is on the Sunday?". I said, "Fuck me, I knew there was something on". So essentially I would get the keys at noon on Friday and then be gone for a frickin' week. He's like, "You could just skip the marathon". No, I cannot skip the marathon. My ridiculously priced condo can sit vacant, anticipating my arrival because there is no goddamn way that I will miss this event for which I have been in training since JUNE. It is GO TIME my friends.
Right. Going to bed. Freaking out a little. I can get a house in the Fraser Valley for what I'm paying for this condo. But it's sweet. It's on CORNWALL. We'll see.

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