"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm so busy...

... that I haven't even had time to bite my nails. My hands look fabulous. I'm thinking about possibly getting a french manicure to complete the look.
So where did I leave off? Ah yes, membranes. I reviewed the minutes some more and though the idea of living across from the beach and enjoying hardwood floors, granite counter tops and the cool bed that I wrote into the offer, I will have to pass on the carpenter ants, upcoming roof assessment and the myriad of membrane problems. So I am now zero for two on the property front. That's okay, it's a learning experience. I learned... something. Like to always have my cell charged and a Powerbar in my purse, because who knows when you might have to spend five hours looking at condos. I need a break.
I've been dealing with it well though. Yeah, skin's a mess, I'm repeating the same conversations to the same people and I'm not sleeping too well. Big D called last night and he was like, "Hi, how's it-" and I said, "I CAN'T TALK NOW!" and he's like, "Oooookay, just checking in to -" and I was like "Oh my god! Ahhhhhh!" and he's like, "You sound busy" and was probably thinking: if you're so damn busy, why are you answering the phone? Which is a good point. It just doesn't stop ringing. It rings and rings and people tell me all these things and then I have to write them down because I don't know whether I'm coming or going. Cancel the home inspection, follow up with the mortgage broker, prove this, provide that, read this, sign here.
It's okay. Just two more condos this week. I sound like an addict. Just two more then I'll stop. Frick. Really, after this week I am putting the search on hiatus until I finish my marathon. Then I am going to enjoy the HELL out of my subsequent vacation, at which point I will return refreshed, fit, and condo free. And I won't pick up running so I'll get fat, and I'll inadvertently buy a rotter. Yay.
In other news... I actually don't have any news. I have no life. That's incorrect: JupiterGirl is coming into town with her boyfriend this weekend so there will be a dinner in her honor. And I can stay out past ten because I only have to run 23k the next day. That's NOTHING. Then I shall see Po and hopefully N at some point, maybe Friday night? Maybe Big D on Sunday if I promise to take a Valium before showing up. Perhaps I'll have time to fit in that french manicure.
Oh, and Michael just called and I said, "Why are you calling?" which is really polite and he said, "Um, my building is on fire" and I laughed. But I guess he wasn't really kidding: the fire alarm went off so everyone was outside and he decided to go for a walk and call me. He said he didn't see anything or smell smoke, so here's hoping that everything's copacetic with his building. I said possibly carpenter ants could be responsible. Or maybe it was a membrane problem.
Really. Gonna get my nails done. They'll look fantastic.

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