"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I love it when a plan comes together

It was pissing when I got up this morning (at 7:20) and I almost went back to bed. But I didn't because today was a monumental day. Today was my last long run. It was a 16k run at race pace and I ran it hard. The clinic instructor looked at me quizzically afterwards and intoned, "So are you still thinking you're going to do a 4 hour marathon?" to which I said "Yes". Okay, obviously I want to do a significantly faster marathon and oh, say, qualify for Boston, but it's my first ever marathon, it's in a different city, I have to travel to get there and there are so many variables that it's hard to say how I'll do. Variables like, you know, bleeding which happened to me today. Got a sweet blister on my heel which subsequently popped and then for I don't even know how many kilometres I bled onto the heel of my new shoes. I didn't even know I was bleeding until someone pointed it out. Eep.
Hung out afterwards for a coffee after our clinic leader made me feel really guilty (and bought me said coffee). It was nice. It sort of dawned on me that this is it. In one week I will be in Kelowna, having a shit fit at the start line at 8am as I wonder "what in the hell was I thinking when I signed up for this??". Yep. Oh my god. What have I done?
Didn't look at one single condo today, though my realtor called me. TWICE. She was telling me about an assignment in a building that I was interested in and I said, "Yeah. I'm really not going to have any time to look into it until I get back from my vacation in mid October" and she said, "Well, I guess we can see if it's still there" and I said, "Whatever". I have a sneaking suspicion that there is more than one condo out there for me. And that the real estate market is going to edge downwards in the winter months.
Visited Michael in North Van. He was prepared for my arrival with Polysporin and cleaned the blood out of my shoes while I was in the shower. You know you have a true friend in someone that will clean blood out of your footwear. We went shopping at Park Royal of all things. I said, "Why are you making me do this? It's a rainy Sunday, everyone and their dog is going to be shopping" and lo, everyone and their dog was. I hate shopping. And then the power went down a couple of times and there was a huge line up at the Bay because only three tills were back up and running (Big D: we totally thought about you and wondered if you were getting alerts today!) and the lineups were gigantic - but so were the savings! - so we toughed it out. And they broke out chocolates to appease the angry masses. I had three. Whatever. You run 16k in the rain with a bloody foot. I am entitled!
Then I watched television because he has Cable. With a capital "C". The news came on and I remember why I don't have Cable. We watched an episode of Family Guy and then I was like, "Yeah, I think I'm good" and turned it off.
That's pretty much it. A very, very low key weekend. I am also going to shoot for a very low key week. Try not to bloody up any more shoes. Avoid purchasing condos. Okay. So this was a really boring blog and I'm going to go make my lunch now. Aren't you glad you tuned in?

1 comment:

Big D said...

Nice to know you think of my in a crisis. No, I was far away in the land of perpetual power outage. The remote family cabin on unnamed BC lake. It has a name but I'm not telling. When I get a way from my technology ruled life and career,I get away. No road access, no electricity, no cell phone coverage. Just the sweet melody of rain on tin roof and a good book on comfy couch... Well 2 outa 3 aint bad. We need a new couch up there. Hey, Duder,is it too late?