"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, September 9, 2007

What? I had a frickin' busy weekend!

I saw the expensive condo on Saturday. It was nice. And expensive. You may have to speak Korean to live there, but I can't quite be sure. Maybe if it's still lingering on the market I will make the offer, but the realtor wasn't exactly forthcoming with the relevant details. She probably thinks I don't have any money. I mean, I don't really have any money, but how can she really be sure? Oh, and I wore the previous day's clothes and maybe, just maybe, they might have smelled like pot. What!? I have to do all my bad deeds on Friday nights now! I paid the piper today man.
Saw a bunch more places on Saturday and they all had at least one thing "wrong" that I wasn't willing to compromise on. Damn me and my scruples and my expensive taste in all things aesthetically pleasing.
Saturday night I was reading a little, playing on the net a little and fending off fruit flies a little. Got an IM from M (the liberator of my Christmas robot) who said he was bored and did I want to go for coffee or a movie. Given that it was 8:30 and I had to run to DEEP COVE the next day I said that coffee would be great except... I didn't have a car. He lives in New West so I thought he'd pass, but he came out to get me. It was really great, he and I haven't hung out socially in years. He must've been really bored. Anyways, we ended up at a dessert place and I wasn't really that hungry but I ordered pecan pie (with ice cream - of course) and we talked about various things and then he gave me a lift home. It was really kind of random. And I do think that the pecan pie was an excellent choice because I had the best run today! Seriously, we ran from 4th and Alma to frickin' Deep Cove. 28.8 kilometres. It wasn't my longest run to date, but it was quite the ordeal because we had to arrange for transportation home. Michael came to get me and met some of the people in my running group (he ran a paltry 20 or 22km today).
Then we went to my favourite bookstore in the world on Lonsdale (Upstart Crow Books) and I made it out with only five books though I wanted significantly more. Indulge me. I bought two Margaret Atwood tomes: "Oryx and Crake", and "Dancing Girls". I love Margaret Atwood. Utterly. I bought "Watership Down" because it was featured in Donnie Darko which was a super kick ass movie and it's a world renowned book. Thomas Hardy's "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" because it was mentioned in another book that I read, possibly "Cakes and Ale" by W. Somerset Maugham. And I also bought Maugham's "The Razor's Edge". I am sooooo happy with my little pretties and can't wait to get through the Minette Walters thing I'm currently on and sink my teeth into my new found literary brilliances.
Then we had the best Chinese food ever. Michael was scared when I almost bit his hand off when he tried to remove my plate before I was done. I think I ate more than he did. Hey, you've been out with me: anyone see me polish off that steak at that BBQ? Yeah. Get in my belly.
And then! An unexpected and impromptu phone call from Typewriter. Granted he was somewhat surly (though I would be too if stuck in border traffic at 9:30 with no end in sight) but it was really great to hear from him after his Vegas trip and I was glad to hear he was able to reconnect with some of his family members. And it was funny when he said he was driving a Kia "Hunchback". So he's back in one piece, short some potentially dangerous hair and skin care products, and short some cash, but, you know, unmarried. So he definitely faired better than I did on my last Vegas trip.
I really need to stop in at my lawyer's and get those bloody papers signed...

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