"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Friday, September 21, 2007

How far would you go for a friend?

Literally. M just indicated that if I moved to Lower Lonsdale I would effectively be ostracizing myself. He’s like, “Sure, move there… if you want to be alone”. We talked about the mental barrier of the water. And yes, the bridges suck, but I would be taking public transit. He said, “But what if you want to drive somewhere?” and I said, “Drive somewhere? Where would I drive?”. He asked where my friends lived and I said Kits, Kerrisdale, downtown and he said, “Yeah. They won’t come visit you. The east side is where it’s at. The east side is the new west side”. Words of wisdom.
I like to think people will visit me. I’m not totally committed to Lower Lonsdale, but I do enjoy all that it has to offer. Especially the waitresses at Tantra, with their unbelievable eye make up and clothing that displays ample bosoms and their expensively streaked and bleached hair. The women there mesmerize me. It’s like they have just stepped off the pages of Playboy and yet… they are always soooo nice. It’s quite odd. I recommend Tantra. How did I get onto this subject? And why do I feel the sudden urge to get highlights and bigger boobs?
Anyways. Nothing much else is shaking. Oh! Except for all the cop cars that went screaming down Seymour as I was trying to get to work. Seriously, four of them plus a wagon were parked on Seymour just north of Hastings. I started to get a little worried as I was crossing the street, thinking that maybe I was about to be embroiled in a “police incident” or something. I just wasn’t in the mood to see, you know, an unarmed man get shot to death in front of me. You know how it goes. So I get to work and a coworker that lives in North Van (hey – maybe he would visit me!) was there and I thought maybe he had passed by the debacle so I said (as he was trying to scarf down his breakfast from Tim Hortons), “Hey, did you see all the cops on your way in?”. He indicated he hadn’t. I told him that they had all parked, ironically, in front of the Tim Hortons at Harbour Centre. And he was, conspicuously, eating food from said establishment. He said he hadn’t seen them. Odd. I think he’s wrapped up in some kind of government conspiracy involving the parity of our dollar and over inflated real estate prices. Or maybe he was just at a different Tim Hortons since there are three in walking distance. We mulled it over and decided that the likely scenario was that all the cops converged at Tim Hortons because they know when they put fresh donuts out.
And such concludes my sound bashing of Vancouver’s finest. Let the cavity searches when I attempt to fly or cross borders commence!

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