"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The adult store

I'm blogging from my couch. So comfortable!
Met with Big D at Granville Island today. I took the #50 from Waterfront Station to get there: how easy! I love my bus pass. I am a dork.
Anyways, we met at Net Loft and had a coffee before wandering around and taking in all Granville Island has to offer. It ended up being a pretty decent day and I was happy to be back at Granville Island since I haven't been for months. We went to the co-op where they sell all things wood and saw a beautiful cabinet made out of woods I had never heard of. It was selling for $5,000. I like nice things. One of the women there gave us a run down on it (perhaps we looked like a married, wealthy couple or something) and she opened it up so we could smell it. That's right, the damn thing even smelled nice. I smiled demurely and informed her that the majority of my furniture smelled of the sweat of the small children from various third world countries who had assembled it with their nimble little fingers.
We went over to the glass blowing place and I saw a couple of glass figurines that I really wanted. They were like Royal Doultons, but a bit different. Yeah, they were tiny, naked glass women with high heels brandishing whips. I stared at them for a while and yeah. So they were neat.
The best part of the trip though was the kids' market which Big D told me used to be called "Kids Only" or something, but had since changed names. We joked about what the current name might be and I threw out something like "Kids Only... but Adults Too" and then Big D laughed and said "Triple X". Wow. Total precursor of things to come. We go over there and spent way too much time playing with puppets and then in the last store on the way out I found something that I felt that I really should have. I'm not a hundred percent sure what it was, but I really think that a shipment destined for the Love Nest got waylaid. It was a big finger, perhaps twice the width of a normal finger and a bit longer, and you are supposed to put batteries in it. I announced that I would definitely like to take one home, and that I was quite sure they were not meant for children. I then found another toy that had a very familiar texture to it. I stood there with it in the palm of my hand as I gently massaged and squeezed it, and then it dawned on me what it reminded me of and before you could say "Holy scrotum, Batman!" I was thinking that I should take one of them home with me too. When Big D regained his composure he tried to convince me that two little girls for whom he had to buy presents (oh yeah, that was why we went there in the first place - but now I know you can also go there for sex toys, which is probably the reason it's no longer called "Kids Only") would greatly appreciate a scaled down mop and broom combo. Then he named all the characters from Thomas the Train or whatever, and got into a fight with a small child, which was quite random and unexpected.
Caught the #50 back to Waterfront Station, saw there was 1:20 left until departure and proved that yes, even though the disembarking seabus passengers have made it almost to the main part of the station, you can run fast enough and leap onto the seabus under the amused gaze of Translink employees and fellow transit riders alike.

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