"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I know where my brother lives

He lives 81 kilometres away. One way! That's 162 kilometres round trip. They better have some amazing fucking corn and some big fucking trucks in Abbotsford, that's all I have to say. I had better be blown away by the Abbotsfordians' fervent religious beliefs. I really hope they shun me and my immoral ways.
Told Michael that I wasn't doing the run tomorrow because I thought I was having my period, but now I'm not sure that I am. It's sort of like a pre-period or something. My body was like "hey! Let's shed some uterine lining" but then it just couldn't commit. It's a serious commitment, the period. You've got to be willing to be in it for the long haul. You need to buckle down for five, maybe six days.
Basically I could likely do the run tomorrow, but I don't want to. So I'm hoping my period re-starts in the next little while. Maybe I can trick it into coming by wearing white pants or contemplating having sex. I mean, I feel bloated enough, but that's mostly because I ate a lot today, and then Michael came over and brought chips and licorice allsorts. So now I'm bloated and hooped up on sugar.
I lent Michael "Blood Diamond" so he was going to return it to the Rogers and I was like, "since you're going there.... could you return the other two movies that I have?". I get away with murder with him. So he dropped them off as well, came back (with treats) and then oh look! we watched more "Curb Your Enthusiasm".
I love Michael. He's so much fun. He says I should try and write a "Curb Your Enthusiasm" episode. We totally had a moment at the door (not a "moment" moment, but a CYE moment, which is just as good). My friend L is coming over to see my place on Monday night and then we're going out for dinner. Michael and L like each other a lot and I knew he'd like to see her so I tried to give him the last bus ticket that I had thinking he could hop the bus from work and be here in ten minutes versus twenty on Monday, have a glass of wine with us, and then still use the ticket to get back home. The conversation went like this:
Duder: "Oh, hang on, I have something for you. L's coming over on Monday night and I thought you could drop by after work and visit with us before we go out for dinner."
Michael: "I don't want that. Don't give me that."
Duder: "No, take it, I have the bus pass now. Just take it and you can take the bus from work."
Michael: "I can just walk, it'll-"
Duder: "No, it's like twenty minutes and then you have to walk back, just take the ticket."
Michael: "But it's a two zone ticket. I can't take that. It's two zones. I'm not going two zones: I'll just pay the $2.25."
Duder: "But it doesn't matter - I'm not going to use it ever. It's worthless to me: I have the bus pass. Just take the ticket and you can use it to go two zones if you ever need to go two zones."
Michael: "I'm not taking the bus to go two zones. If I ever have to go two zones you're driving me."
Duder: "Not necessarily, I took the bus today. That was two zones. I don't always drive, sometimes the bus is the way to go."
Michael: "So where are we going for dinner?"
Duder: "No, we're not going for dinner: you are coming over for a drink and to visit with L and then she and I are going for dinner. We're going to talk about you."
Michael: "I can't come for dinner?"
Duder: "I didn't think you'd want to come for dinner. Do you want to come for dinner?"
Michael: "It depends on where you're going, where are you going?"
Duder: "We're going to go to One Twelve."
Michael: "Then I don't want to go - it looks to fancy, I spent too much on dinner this weekend."
Duder: "You've never been to One Twelve, how do you know it's fancy? Look, I owe you dinner so if you come on Monday it's my treat. You can have two beers."
Michael: "Okay, maybe I'll come."
Duder: "It's like I can't even give this bus ticket away. Why does no one want the ticket? It's a free ticket! Take the ticket..."
It's hilarious to no one but us. It's the shtick. I love the shtick. I like to engage in the shtick. The shtick is life.

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