"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Best. Weekend. Ever.

Had coffee with my good friend L in Marpole on Saturday and then as I was taking the bus home I get a call from another friend, C, who was up at Cypress. He wanted to know if I could go for a bite to eat and I said sure and we met up in North Van and shot the shit at Brown's. We had an argument about whether or not I had texted him earlier in the day (I had), because he said he hadn't received a text from me. It was resolved that we would test my texting capabilities and as I texted him he says, "So what did you write? 'I texted you, you idiot, and it's not my fault that you can't operate your Blackberry'?". I said, "Yeah. That's totally what I just texted you. Have you received it yet?". And he said, "Yes. It says 'poo'." I'm not sure what, if anything, was proved by that whole transaction.
Then Michael came over later and we watched "Say Anything" and it was really bad. I like John Cusack, but I wanted to smack the shit out of the female lead in the movie. I suppose it makes sense that I haven't seen her in ANYTHING ELSE since that movie. The weird bit? Jeremy Piven and Joan Cusack were in the movie, and they were also in "Grosse Pointe Blank" which Michael I watched the night before. Weird.
Stayed up too late given that we had to run at 8am the next morning. I went to bed praying for snow because we said we wouldn't run in the snow. Well, it didn't snow, but we didn't run anyways. Not in the morning at least. We ended up running close to 20k in the afternoon and then went for coffee, ran some errands, had some dinner, did a little wine tasting and Michael hooked up my laptop to my flatscreen t.v. and we watched some of the Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes that he had downloaded for me.
I think that it was when Michael and I were walking down Lonsdale, him burdened with my groceries while I told him I wanted to run to the bank and to the wine shop and he said, okay, give me your keys I'll buzz you in and we parted ways and I went and got some cash and a decent bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and I was crossing back over Lonsdale, heading to my place on a crisp, clear Sunday night and looking forward to sitting down and having a nice meal with a kind, attractive and intellectually stimulating individual after having a fun, laid back and engaging weekend that I thought, "I think I have everything now".
And that was before we got the Curb Your Enthusiasm to play on my 43" television and got into the chocolate.

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