"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Matching underwear

It is a rare occasion that I don it. It's new and pretty. I enjoy it.
Today was a special day. I think the courier that I bumped into while waiting for the elevator (coffee cup in hand) realized just how special it was. He said to me, "Time for coffee? With maybe a little Grand Marnier?". Evidently he caught me at a rather transparent moment. By the time we got from the eighth floor to the ground level he was calling me sweetheart and helped me to put things into perspective. I love when stuff like that happens. Karma used to scream at me and kick me in the ass repeatedly to get me back on the beaten track, and I've gotten to the point now where all it takes is a little well-placed nudge from time to time. I get it, I got it, it's good.
Met up with Michael for sushi. You know what I strongly dislike? The waste that comes with take out sushi. So I called up my sushi place and said hey, can I bring tupperware and you can put the food in that? And they said hells, yeah. Okay, maybe that's not exactly how the young Japanese girl answering the phone put it, but it was damn close and yes they put the sushi, gomae, gyoza and miso soup in my various tupperware containers and I feel so much better about the whole process! And Michael and I stopped in to Jack Lonsdale's for a drink first because we'd never been and it was actually pretty decent. I enjoyed it because it was random and unexpected. I want to like Jack Lonsdale's because it's a three minute walk from my apartment. It's a little rough and tumble perhaps, but I'll go back: the prices were good, the people were friendly, and no one tried to sell me cheese that they had ripped off from the local Safeway.
Then we watched Grosse Pointe Blank and Michael took my car and left, but not before I brought up the matching underwear. He brought up the fact that he worked out after work and hadn't showered. He then said he would come back later in the weekend wearing a tool belt. He said he would install some more shelving and fix my door handle. Then we laughed and did a porn scene shtick and I was like, "No really, you need to install that shelving and swap out the door handle".
Boom chicka wah wah.

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