"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

And we're done

That's it. The last time I shall see my fellow runners at the clinic. Ran with J and K and the term "qualifying for Boston" was bandied about. I hate that. It's my first marathon. I just want to finish it first off. If I can finish with a sub-four time that's great. If, by some wicked chance I can qualify for Boston then that's truly stupendous, but come on! Let's not count our proverbial chickens.
Driving home from the clinic I discovered two things: the liquor store on Dunbar is open until 9 every night. Who knew? And they have the best wine selection of any liquor store I have been to ever. It's like they have different wings for the wine. So to celebrate I picked up a bottle. Got home, did laundry, talked to my dad, made my lunch. And just as I'm halfway done my dinner (okay, so it was a sandwich, big frickin' deal: when you are a bachelorette you can do whatever the hell you want and you know, I totally do. I go to bed at nine. That rocks. I read. Like, a lot. Just try and keep up with my literary abilities. I am so alone) I get an email from my friend C. It's like he knew I was holding (wine). His text was like, "Got wine? Need company?" and I was like "Yes and no". Kidding. I texted that yes, surely he could come over but that my place was a mess and I needed 30 minutes. I mean, I hadn't showered after my run today and though the age old adage is that "horses sweat, men perspire and ladies glisten" I can honestly say that I worked up a good sweat today. You have to sweat to get to Boston. KIDDING. He said I had fifteen minutes and that he would see me shortly. It's amazing how presentable I can look after fifteen minutes. My apartment on the other hand...
So no "Watership Down" for me tonight. I had to be "social" and "entertain". I was like "which of my numerous couches would you like to sit on, because I have many?". That's okay. Friends are friendly. Playing is for pleasure (best Aqua Teen quote ever). And it's nice to be accepted sans make up, wearing Kwantlen sweatpants and a $10 shirt from the GAP. Like he had a choice.
I wonder if I can sleep in til 7:30 tomorrow given my new found abilities to become miraculously presentable in a very short period of time. I need to apply that kind of elbow grease to the marathon...

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