"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Friday, October 26, 2007

My October checkup

Back from dinner with Big D. We went to the Red Door on Granville. It was a good thing that he is a thoughtful and considerate person, because he (thankfully) made reservations in what turned out to be a pretty hopping joint. I think we both would give it 1.5 to 2 thumbs up (and no, I'm not reactivating my Facebook account to rate this on Zoykes: I did my duty). The food was good and reasonably priced, the ambiance was good (perhaps a little loud: I couldn't hear the music) and our service was, well, good too. So not great, but good.
Anyways. Good, as always to check in with Big D. Sometimes when I'm getting a little off course in my quest to be a Zen-like, well adjusted and happy individual that does not judge others and is accepting and is always looking for the silver lining, it takes a brief respite with Big D to put me back on track. See, seemingly I am a source of encouragement for him. That I encourage anyone to do anything is ceaselessly amazing to me. I should encourage that hot guy on the #16 that reads Japanese books and has a sort of rumpled way about him to take off his pants. See, there I go getting off track again. He sat beside me on the ride in this morning. I was so happy that I totally immersed myself in "Tess of the D'Ubervilles" and refused to once make eye contact with him, even though the opportunity for conversation presented itself when we almost killed or hit something at Arubutus and Kingsway.
Where was I? Right. Checking in with Big D. So we both seem to rely on each other for support and encouragement. Who knew that's what friends were for. Good food, great, illuminating conversation and I even got walked to my car! I am very thankful to have him as a friend. It's very easy to get caught up in the mundane whirlwind that is life and to think of social obligations as just that: obligations. But taking a couple of hours out to spend time with someone as great as him is akin to a mini mental vacation. Which isn't to say that I mentally checked out, and sat there, drooling, into my calamari for two hours, but rather... well, I think you get the gist.
Came home and pulled off my toenail. That was great. It was so much fun I thought I'd share it with you. Don't like the pics or the content? Get your own goddamn blog. This is what I do on Friday nights apparently: I exhibit signs of leprosy.
Anyways. Big D and I both have resolved not to do the online dating thing, which means I have to attempt to be more sociable and do things like: make eye contact; smile; and not hit people that come within three feet of me. That'll take some doing. He regaled me with something he'd heard on the radio, about how some men are lax to approach women now because they're perceived as being creepy, and how the men would like it if women approached them if they're interested. No! No! No! This does not bode well for me.
And on that happy note, I shall contemplate bed. This girl is tired. Big weekend ahead. Gotta sort through all my My Little Ponies at my mom's place tomorrow night. I have a rich, rich life.

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