"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Yes, I am back on Facebook. Now I remember why I left. Why did I spend twenty minutes uploading photos onto my site? I would really rather have my friends over, see them, enjoy their company and tell them the story behind each photo. Even though the stories would be pretty much the same: “So in this one I’m in a lot of pain”. “In this one I’m a bit drunk”. “Here? Yeah, I’m having trouble walking because of my knee”. “And here I’m having trouble walking because of the Pinot Blanc”. And so on and so forth.
I digress. The reason that I did bring my Facebook account back from the dead was to help my company flog its latest application: Zoykes. You’ll see it on my profile and so far a couple of you have already started to use it, so thanks! I do think it is useful: why do I care what a bunch of anonymous people say about a movie, book or restaurant? I’d rather know what my friends think about it because I know my friends, and I know what they like. Mostly. TMI. I like to get a little kinky with a goalie mask, a whiffle bat and chocolate syrup from time to time, but it doesn’t render my review of “Oryx and Crake” useless, does it?
In other news, I believe I have runners knee. It’s a fun scenario whereby you run, encounter excruciating pain and see your hopes of running the Boston marathon flee swiftly and nimbly over the horizon. Apparently the recovery time is long and involves a lengthy period of no running. Apparently I am going to get fat and be very cranky in short order. Ah well. To the doctors tomorrow to get a more professional opinion. They’ll probably want to amputate.
Lastly, my realtor called yesterday evening. And so it begins anew. Again. The resurgence of Facebook (I will take it down again, I swear). The re-entry into the real estate market. The hemming and hawing as to whether I should use up my remaining Lavalife credits, or if I should get a nice Calico.
My knee hurts. I’m having salad for lunch. Let the crankiness commence.

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