"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm chubby

I hope you all like the new and improved Duder. By 'new and improved' I mean tubby. I've been eating, drinking, sleeping, watching movies, wine touring, shopping and oh yeah - not running or engaging in any form of excerise whatsoever. Robot Chicken is the shit. So is Hillside Estates Mosiac at $35 a bottle. Whatever. I'm worth it. I'm apparently also worth the CASE of wine I have in my trunk, and my new shoes that were like $70. Um, yeah, I think I'm relaxed now. I may not return.
Registered for the Boston Marathon which takes place on April 21st. Need to find someone to accompany me because I am far too much of a baby to go by myself. Anyone want to be my own personal waterboy/girl? We could have fun! Eat chowder! You can rub my legs for an hour after I finish the marathon and dump ice into the tub for me. Come on, when else are you going to see me naked, wet and writhing in pain? A good time will be had by all.
So we are heading back tomorrow. I DO NOT WANT TO RETURN. I love vacations. Will get in around dinner tomorrow. I'm looking forward to printing off some of the many photos I've taken (will definitely upload the PG ones onto my blog). I think some of them may even be frame-worthy. Saturday night appears to be shaping up to be a bit of a drunken fiasco: meeting up with some of my running cohorts earlier in the evening, and then Po and N later on. My car will definitely be left on some Kits bus route. Like I haven't had enough wine this week.
I love my life. I love my Buddha belly. Our Coast hotel had both a bible and Buddha book in the bedside table: how cool was that?
Alright. So that's all I have. If I don't return this weekend then it's because I've bought a winery and am never coming back. In which case, you should totally come up and try my new Gewurztraminer: it's fantastic.
Sigh. See you guys soon. And don't make fun of my belly. It's my fuel reserve for Boston, baby!

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