"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I didn't have to take my pants off

Went for my allotted x-rays on my lunch hour. I left the office at 12:10, walked to the clinic at Hornby and Robson, had my x-rays taken and was back by 12:50. How efficient was that? And I didn't even have to take my pants off. I was running a little late this morning and knew that I should shave my legs because every time I go to see any kind of medical practitioner they always ask me to remove my culottes ("Sore throat? Drop 'em", "Ear infection? Please change into this gown"), but I did the old shave-from-the-ankle-to-knee thing. I then knew that the x-ray technician would be some hot young guy that has a golden retriever, volunteers in Africa for three weeks a year and is just wild about Margaret Atwood... and who would be totally repelled by my hairy upper legs. That's how it works, right? But no, not only did I not have to take off my pants - I got to leave my boots on too! Sweet. And then the obligatory, "Is there any possibility that you might be pregnant" which was responded to thusly: "Yes, if you believe in immaculate conception". Just kidding. I simply bit my lip and cried a little.
Then I got back to the office and my doctor's office called to say that I have an appointment at the Allen McGavin sports clinic at UBC, which made me thing of McGavin's bread and then I wanted a peanut butter and jam sandwich. I told the CFO that I would have to miss some time at work to go to the clinic and he's like, "The sports clinic at UBC?" and I said, "Yes" and he's like, "The Allen McGavin clinic?" and I'm thinking, "Is there an echo in here?" and then he says that it's really hard to get into this clinic and that's where elite athletes go and I say, "Soooo... you don't think I'm an elite athlete?". That was pretty funny. Well, for me anyways.
Ah. Just got a rent increase. I have not had one since April 1999. My rent has been jacked to $763. I took the increase and said, "Um... remember the hole that you smashed into my wall and then drywalled back in June? Well it's never been sanded or painted, so maybe you can get on that". Okay, I was actually a lot nicer than that, but really. I should've showed her my Facebook photo album of the destruction. That was a fun time. If my life was like a sitcom (stop laughing), that episode would've been "The Kitchen Shower: How Duder Never Got Dinner From Her Upstairs Neighbour".
My life is totally not like a sitcom.
I said stop laughing!

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