"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Drunk running (it's for charity)!

Went to the clinic tonight and there was a pretty big turnout. I'm not going to say that the subsequent wine tasting after the run had anything to do with the turnout, but when one of the clinic leaders asked if people were interested in running the proposed 5k route twice, like two people put up their hands (we took those two people out back and explained what was what). Sweet. So a five kilometre run to admire the lights on the houses and the great view of downtown Vancouver it was.
I will interject here that up until today I didn't have a waterproof running jacket. My mom gave me a gift certificate for the Running Room, so I drove over there after work and bought a jacket all the while feeling that I was cheating on my current running clinic. I explained to the woman that I did run with the RR before, but that this new clinic was four blocks from my new pad. Four blocks! That would come in handy later.
So we bang off five kilometres, come back to the store and they have all sorts of snacks, coffee, treats, pizza and... wine! Yay! And as if this story that merges wine and running (two of my loves) isn't enough: I had fantastic sex in the store room with a guy that works for the CBC! Okay. That didn't happen. But a portion of the proceeds of the wine that this winemaker sells (http://www.doghousewine.com/) goes to support the NPO Guide Dogs for the Blind. I kid you not!! And the merlot was quite nice! Additionally, everyone donated food and toys for the North Shore Stocking Fund and I was happy to see the amount that we collected for such a great cause.
The waterproof jacket paid off since it started snowing the minute we left the store. Again. Horseshoe up my ass. How I managed to get to December 11th without getting drenched on a run is beyond me. Oh wait... I haven't been running: that's how.
Anyways. Met some really great and funny people. Had something to eat. Had a couple of glasses of wine. Realized I hadn't had dinner and that it was 8 o'clock and that I was a bit tipsy and that it was time to call it a night.
As we leave Michael grabbed a handful of M&Ms and thrust them into my mittened paws and we parted ways. I meandered up Lonsdale, eating the chocolately peanut goodness, glowing from a nice run, some great company and some nice wine.
Am I settling in to Central Lonsdale, do you think?
Um. Yeah.

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