"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I have really bad nightmares sometimes. Often. I've talked to my mom about it and she's the same way: more often than not she has horrific dreams. I have woken up in a cold sweat and shaken awake the person next to me because I was still scared of the remnants of my dreams. I have come to consciousness some mornings and all but fallen on my knees to thank Allah that what I had been tortuously experiencing wasn't reality.
Last night I dreamed that I was on a BC Ferry (which is terrifying in and of itself given their propensity to ram through docks and, well, sink). But, as with all my dreams, there was a tinge of abnormalcy to it. See, we were passing icebergs and such, and this is no BC Ferries route that I have yet to experience. Anyways, I'm on the deck looking over the side and I see a man (for some reason I knew he was a kayaker) lying, unmoving, face down in the water. Apparently I am the only one to see this and I start to scream, except my voice comes out as this useless rasp and I'm feverishly whispering, "Man in the water! Man in the water!". BC Ferries, though they do appear to move slowly, actually cut through the water pretty quickly and I knew that once this guy was out of eyesight the chances of us finding him again would slim, and that time was against us. So I run into the ship and I'm trying to find the captain, and I'm starting to get my voice back and I'm yelling "Man overboard! There's a man in the water! We have to get help!". And no one seems to care. This is another one of my fears which I may have explained before: I worry that I may one day be in a life and death situation and that I will have to convince some people of something outlandish in order to get them to act. And this is what was happening. I am desperately arguing with everyone that will look at me to stop the boat and to go and get this guy: he can still be resuscitated. And the ship was progressing soundly onwards and people were giving me puzzled glances and the captain was staring at me with something of contempt and I'm so frustrated and panicked and explaining that there is a man in the frigid water and we need to rescue him. I think it actually contravenes maritime law to not aid someone in distress. No one does anything. I ponder diving in to try and go back to this man but I know that the goddamn ferry will continue on without me and I will die too, with my kayaker buddy.
A little while later we see another kayaker, sans kayak, who has managed to pull himself out of the water onto some rocky shoal and his legs are badly mangled from the sea lions that attacked him once his kayak flipped (again, my dreams... not the most sensical). But, because the captain has since this guy with his own eyes, then yes, we stop and rescue him. Whereupon this guy starts asking if we've picked up his friend: you know, the now dead guy that I saw several minutes ago?? Ah!!
On the plus side? Lately I have been having an amazing array of erotic dreams. I think it somehow ties into the theory that a woman's sexual peak happens at around 30. So now I wake up totally agitated, terrified... and sexually frustrated.
I'm laughing now. My life is so goddamn funny.

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