"What I want to say is this: - If you logically try to persuade a person that there is no absolute reason for shedding tears, the person in question will cease weeping. That's self evident. Why, I should like to know, should such a person continue doing so?"

"If such were the usual course of things, life would be a very easy matter," replied Raskolnikoff.

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What a blur

It didn't feel much like Christmas leading up to the actual day and then the day happened and all of a sudden I have to go back to work tomorrow. Man. It's been said that time speeds up when you get older, but this is ridiculous!
Went into South Surrey on Christmas Eve and we went for sushi down on Marine Drive in White Rock, during which my dad and brother talked a bunch of smack about how men are better at Pictionary because they're more graphically inclined or something. Yeah. I guess that's why they can get through Playboys and comic books faster than I get through F. Scott Fitzgerald. It was assumed that to even things out the teams would have to be coed or the guys would kick our ass. So obviously I kiboshed that and my mom and I beat (barely) Jay and my dad. On a side note: hay fever - quite difficult to draw!
Slept until 10am on Christmas day (remember the days of trying to get up 6am and your parents telling you it was too early and to go back to bed for at least another hour?). Had breakfast, exchanged gifts, helped my mom butter lefsa, went to my aunt and uncle's in Langley for a great turkey dinner. Was chastised for not eating enough gravy. I didn't even want gravy. I like cranberry sauce. That's where it's at, all nice and tangy and tart. Gravy's for heathens. My brother made chocolate log which he does every year and got all sorts of accolades for it. Since he has moved into his house in Abbotsford he has started cooking and this has elevated him to such a status that apparently it was him that we were supposed to be worshipping on Christmas Day. Sibling rivalry rocks. I told him about my 42" television and today he went out and bought a 47" one.
Saw my mom's stupid cat and it hissed at me. My mom always says, "Poor Felix... we don't know what might have happened to him". See, to say that this cat is skittish is to be kind: he's totally moronic. He's scared of everything - particularly me, evidently - and will not allow himself to be petted or cornered. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye once and he bolted for the basement. Then my mom suggested that he's either brain damaged or needs therapy. That's great. So now in our family's cat ownership history we can lay claim to a homosexual cat, and one that has mental problems. Where do we get them? Poor Felix.
Watched some Chris Rock with my family after the Christmas dinner. Nothing says "oh let us praise this joyous day of the birth of our Lord" like Chris Rock advising women that once they get married they will not receive anymore oral sex. Of course it was not put quite so delicately as that, but yeah... good times.
My mom got her free computer from Telus (after a tremendous - and unsurprising - debacle). It's a Lenovo and it was loaded with Windows Vista. What a piece of shit operating system; how does something like that happen?
And now I am home with all my shiny new toys (check out the new toaster!) and enough cookies to get me out for a nice 10k jaunt in the snow today in the hopes of not gaining weight over the holidays.
I hope you all had a great time with your friends and families, ate, drank and were very merry.

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